Hypnotic Classical Music Mashup Will Take You To Your Happy Place

It’s oddly satisfying.

They say if it’s not baroque don’t fix it, but musician, producer and mashup artist Grant Woolard’s classical music mashup is a total masterpiece.

The mashup in the video above features 57 famous classical tunes by 33 composers including Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky and Chopin.

Even if you’re not a fan of classical music, the iconic melodies that have been etched into our collective psyches through advertising and -- let’s just admit it, Looney Tunes cartoons -- flows so seamlessly together that listening to it is oddly satisfying.

This is not Woolard’s first musical contribution to the wily world of YouTube. The Northern California-based, one-man production team has been crafting strange yet alluring sounding videos since 2010 while living in Japan. One of Woolard's most intriguing videos is Beatles mashup, which includes 25 of the fab four’s love songs.

According to an interview he did with This Blog Rules, Woolard has been playing the piano since he was 7 years old and stopped formally taking classes his first year in college. But despite his lack of a teacher, he thinks his playing has gotten better.

“I think I’ve improved the most since I started recording myself for videos, because it has forced me to listen to all my imperfections and correct them,” he told the blog.

Well, there’s at least one big perk to looking bach on your work.

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