Now You Can Pay To Crush Donald Trump Or Hillary Clinton With A Tank

Well, mannequin versions of them, at least.

Now there’s a way to be in the tank for both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

In an attempt dream fulfillment for jaded Americans, a company called Drive A Tank is offering tank rides where customers can to crush mannequins that look like candidate of their choice.


Drive A Tank, located in Kasola, Minnesota, normally offers people a chance to demolish an old car with a tank for $649. But for an additional $249, you can throw in a Clinton or Trump dummy.

If you can’t choose between them, you can run over both for $399.


Drive A Tank owner Tony Borglum created the “Can-dud-date” package because he believes many Americans are dissatisfied by both Trump and Clinton.


“Our candidates this election are duds,” he said in a press release. “This is our way of letting people have some fun and express their displeasure by crushing some dummies dressed like our candidates.

“We’re pretty sure someone’s feelings are going to get hurt over this, but that’s okay. They’re only dummies.”


So far, it looks like Trump supporters are leading the tank-driving demographic. Only two people have ordered the election upcharge, and both chose to demolish the Clinton dummy.


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