Creating a Vision of Your Future

Creating a Vision of Your Future
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Wynnum Waterfront, Queensland, Australia

Wynnum Waterfront, Queensland, Australia

Alison Laverty

As you approach the new year, visions of hope and excitement begins and you patiently await for something to happen or arrive. But instead, as the new year begins all over again everything remains the same as in the previous years. Like in the movie Groundhog Day. The same things happen again and again until he figures out what he needed to change to move on.

And we constantly tell ourselves next year is going to be different. Resolutions are made at the start of the year but not many are followed through.

Awaiting for the day to unfold yet when it does, that’s it. Our time spent on preparing for the New Year celebration and then when it ends, what happens? Back to the routine of everyday life with work and school.

Much time is spent in preparing for that one day. And in the process you miss out on the most important thing, enjoying each moment in the now as it unfolds and connects you to a vibrant energy.

What do you think it means?

Let us reflect for a moment to understand this gift of the season as a vibrant energy.

There is an energy around us and you must move forward to connect with this energy. Embrace the change.

I know there is more to the monotony of everyday life. While I sat in solitude to ponder, I realise my connection to nature, a flow of energy that moves beyond my everyday thoughts. It moves our trees and if you listen you hear them communicating with nature.

What is this energy?

It is a life force moving to its own tune. The world around us is alive and thriving as a separate entity from us because we are too wrapped up in our own world or in our mind. Waiting for something exciting to happen but it never does. Because you do not dare to break through the monotony of doing what you already know to be true. You are afraid to make things happen. It is in this flow of energy where you can create a vision of your future. But are you willing to move from where you are?

Without taking that step forward to make a change, nothing happens and the same routine year in and out continues.

How do you create the change you wish to see in your life? Don’t focus on doing things without a goal, instead visualise what you want to see happen in your life.

I believe in the power of intentions. I write out my intentions to live my life according to my vision. Not as in yearly resolutions like an ultimatum. But focusing on the present to figure out what is making my life dull and how I’m going to reach my vision of a future life of adventure and manifest it into reality.

Does it work? Yes it does. Whether you call it your long term goals or your intentions, they are your heart’s desire. They call you every day as your day unfolds. In the feelings of being uncomfortable, or upset with a situation that happened or feeling sad. Don’t live by default and merely accept what life offers you. Think about how you could have created something new to make your life different.

What would you do to embrace change?

You accept whatever is presented to you especially the challenges because they hold the key to self discovery. Anything from a breakup, divorce or losing your job to experiencing illness. These are messages to pay attention, they will move you in the direction you are meant to be on.

An important lesson I’ve learned throughout my life is to embrace whatever upset me, my sadness or even being uncomfortable to a point where I reacted against a situation. Instead I stood my ground and tried to figure out why I reacted in such a way so I could learn to accept, change and move forward.

Where do you see yourself five years down the road?

About 15 years ago, I was at a crossroad in my life. I had a career allowing me much travelling yet I was unhappy and wanted a huge change. There was no meaning in my life.

But what should I do as my career put food on my plate and kept me alive?

Believe it or not I wrote my intentions in my journal, quit my job and enrolled to do my degree. I wanted to start a business in Australia. The challenge was I lived in Singapore and was broke from paying heavily to lawyers to help my mum move beyond a very difficult divorce.

But how did I end up in Australia and start our family business?

There is a law in the universe where when you sincerely focus all you can to make things happen in your life, for the greater good, you attract everything you need in abundance. And I tell my story in my soon to be published memoirs, The Human Touch.

As you usher in the New Year, remember that we are all one in this journey together. Our oneness give us the ability to connect with everything potentially possible in life. To create a vision of our future, you must learn to surrender your challenges, to trust that the universe will work with you as you use all your natural gift and talents to honour life and the world around you.

So go on create your own magic, live simply and celebrate life knowing you have all the abundance of what life offers in your hands.

Alison Laverty is the writer of The Human Touch ~ A Story About Connections. A soon to be released memoir. She lives with her Aussie bloke and their two mischievous possums in Brisbane, the Sunshine State of Queensland, Australia.

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