Dining with the Divine: A Pro$per Meal

Dining with the Divine: A Pro$per Meal
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CMA International Foundation

They say in hell the spoons are so long that no one can feed themselves, so all remain hungry. They say in heaven everyone is always wonderfully satiated because they take those same long spoons and feed one another.

A lack of prosperity can throw the best of us into a hellish tailspin, all alone with our unmanageably long spoons, feeling like we are missing out on all meals, divine and otherwise. And yet sometimes all it takes to be released into a state of abundance is the vulnerability to allow someone to contribute to us, to help us lift that spoon.

I don’t pretend to know all the elements beyond our earthly vision that thwart or enhance our prosperity. However, I have done extensive personal growth work, all in the name of blasting through conscious, unconscious, and subconscious blocks. And while all of this work did indeed chip away at that which thwarted me, of all my teachers bearing much wisdom and experience, none of them had the ability to remove subconscious blocks in another.

I met Master John Douglas, a spiritual healer from Australia, when he came to Los Angeles in 2012, and I have been studying with him ever since. He has removed -- and continues to remove -- blocks that I didn’t even know I had. “Who knew I had that blind spot?” I would think to myself as light and color appeared where previously it was dark.

Master John has many gifts, including the ability to cure incurable diseases. He can see the source of our issues, whether physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. All of his work has a common thread: he sees the un-seeable. That which thwarts us or is hidden from our view, is not only distinctly visible to him, but he has the ability to pluck its roots from our subconscious.

It usually costs a little to receive a healing or blessing from Master John, or to buy the tools he has created to help us remove obstacles and bring us to higher heights of awareness. I can’t more highly recommend meeting him in person and/or attending his teleconferences. I also recommend each and every tool he offers, as all are imbued with blessings worth thousands of times what we pay for them in dollars. All are valuable beyond measure. Most of us who have been healed or had friends and family healed can only come up with one value: priceless.

Yet some blessings come at no cost from gracious hearts. We can diminish the value of these blessings just because no money was exchanged, and be less than grateful and perhaps even not glean all the possible benefits. I try to go to a place of innocence when it comes to receiving gifts from those who are trying to make a difference in my life. It’s hard to do sometimes. When we stubbornly struggle with our too long spoons, contending that we can figure it all out ourselves, we can miss enormous love and support coming our way. We can miss a miracle.

Imagine yourself as a child standing with outstretched hand as a butterfly magically alights in your open palm. Stand in that innocence for a moment now, because I am about to send a butterfly your way.

A couple weeks ago, Master John - for the first time - released a very powerful tool that costs nothing. Available on YouTube or via Master John’s Website is a ten minute video he created to remove blocks to prosperity. (Sound too long and/or too much of a long shot? Maybe you will like the 22 second version!) You can’t do it wrong, or even have incorrect thoughts as you watch. If you want to get the most out of it, keep tapping into your childhood innocence, try to not judge yourself or the video, and just receive Master John’s gift.

The video may appear primitive but I promise its effects are magnificent. It was shot on an iPhone, lit from below with a multi-colored light, and there is no sound. What is it that you are seeing? A perfect quartz crystal lovingly carved to evoke great power, imbued with the great blessings of prosperity from Master John. If videos aren’t your thing, you can even glean the powerful blessings by simply looking at the Still Photo above. How easy is that?

While it is a prosperity blessing, be prepared to reconsider what prosperity means to you, as I have. It’s not just about money. After I watch this video, I feel full, complete, happy, and at peace, like I have just had a divine and delicious meal.

What other tangible results has this happy meal brought me? I received unexpected money (three times!), received other money faster than expected, and found two new financial opportunities for myself and one for a family member. I threw two of the most love-filled dinner parties I have ever had. I have been able to give more of myself, joyously. My creativity has been sparked anew. I received three glorious gifts out of the blue, and feel like I have been showered with love in every arena of my life.

So, prepare to be blessed: prepare to be fed a delicious meal for your soul. You don’t even have to pick up the spoon, Master John is doing that for you. Just click play.


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