Dogs Eating Peanut Butter Is Love At First Bite

Shouldn't one of the models be named Skippy?
Bailey is photographer Greg Murray's dearly departed canine friend who was the inspiration for the photo series.
Bailey is photographer Greg Murray's dearly departed canine friend who was the inspiration for the photo series.
Greg Murray

Wherever you are, Bailey, we hope there's peanut butter.

Bailey passed a few years ago but the rescue mastiff is still an inspiration to her person.

Cleveland pet photographer Greg Murray is compiling pictures of pooches chowing down on peanut butter -- one of Bailey's favorite treats.

"She would drool and her tongue would show and it worked," Murray told The Huffington Post.

As work slowed down during the winter months this year, Murray said he asked friends and clients to have their four-legged pals pose for a series. "It became huge and people loved it and I decided I would create a book," he said.

So he launched a Kickstarter to fund "For The Love Of Peanut Butter" and has already raised more than his goal.

We think you'll go nuts over the tongue-snapping, jowl-flapping fun.

Greg Murray
Greg Murray
Greg Murray
Greg Murray
Greg Murray
Greg Murray
Greg Murray
Greg Murray

Editor's note: If you give your own dog peanut butter, don't overdo it, use a brand preferably without added salt and sugar, and avoid a sweetener called xylitol. Also, make sure the pup doesn't have a nut allergy.

H/T Uproxx

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