Don Lemon Shuts Down Trump Supporter's Obama Claims With One Simple Question

"What does it matter?"

CNN's Don Lemon took down a Trump supporter's comments that President Barack Obama is a Muslim with four words: "What does it matter?"

“What if the president was a Muslim?” Lemon asked during a panel on his show Thursday night. “I mean, what does it matter? Aren’t Muslims Americans as well? Don’t we have the right to religion in this country?”

Good point, Don.

Lemon was discussing comments that a New Hampshire man made to Donald Trump at a rally on Thursday.

"We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims. We know our current president is one," the man said. Trump, who has repeatedly claimed that Obama is a Muslim, responded in agreement.

However, his campaign denies he was referring to Obama.

"Mr. Trump was referring to the need to protect Christians' religious liberties as his previous statement says and nothing more," a rep for Trump told NBC.

Watch the full CNN segment above and see more of Trump's remarks below.

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