Fibromyalgia and Gluten Sensitivity

Fibromyalgia and Gluten Sensitivity
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You will find many articles, forums, and blogs on Fibromyalgia and Gluten Sensitivity out there. Those of us that have Fibromyalgia may also develop a sensitivity to gluten. We may not in the beginning, but it could develop later down the line.

The first thing to understand is that there is a difference between a gluten sensitivity and Celiac Disease. A gluten sensitivity can be helped by just making some diet changes, but Celiac Disease is an autoimmune disorder that can occur in genetically predisposed people where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine.

I developed a bit of sensitivity about six months after I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. At first, I was not sure exactly what was causing my issues, but I soon started taking note of what I ate. Once I realized what was causing the issues I was having I began to change some things that I had been eating.

The great thing now is that you can find so many things that are gluten free, so it is not like you have to stop enjoying bread, pasta, etc. There are alternatives now.

I stopped eating bread and went to a sprouted grain bread that way I could still enjoy a sandwich or some toast. I love pasta so I now use the gluten free, and you can’t tell the difference at all.

I do still have some things that may contain gluten, but I have made some changes to different things so that I don’t have any issues.

There are so many things out there now that you can try that are good. You also have to remember you don’t have to go completely gluten-free, you just have to do it in moderation and make some small changes.

You know your body, and you are in tune with your body so just make a list of things that cause you to have some digestive issues when you eat things that contain gluten, you can eliminate and change those things.

Will this work for me forever? Not sure, but for now I will give it a try as I know there will be more changes, and I will take each one on a positive note because once I give into the negative and creep over to the red platform I have let my illness win and control my life. Staying positive lets me win each time.

Always remember to stop, take a breath and be positive!

Aimee Reese is passionate about bringing awareness to others about Fibromyalgia. Aimee has been living with Fibromyalgia for years, but officially diagnosed five years ago. Aimee is the founder of The Green Platform Assistant where she believes “In order for you to grow you have to start with knowing who you are.” Aimee believes by staying positive and on the Green Platform it helps get through the most difficult times when living with an invisible illness. Aimee lives in Kentucky with her husband Eric and two children.

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