Forever 21 Removes Creepy Graphic Tee From Its Website

Many have complained that the shirt promotes victim-blaming.

Forever 21 has learned the hard way that graphic tees are not the place for offensive jokes. Especially if they are ambiguous, rape-y ones.

The shirt in question, pictured below, has the words "Don't say maybe if you want to say no.," in bold writing across the front.

Whose idea was this?
Whose idea was this?
Forever 21

In what was likely meant to be typical Forever 21 bro-y humor -- other men's shirts say "Player's Club," "Bad Habits," and You Know I'm Right" -- this particular shirt insinuates that, perhaps, "maybe" actually means "yes."

It doesn't.

People on Twitter criticized the shirt, pointing out the way it reinforces harmful notions of victim-blaming after sexual assault.

The clothing company issued the following statement to The Huffington Post Monday afternoon about the tee:

Forever 21 strives to exemplify the highest ethical standards and takes feedback and product concerns very seriously. With regards to the t-shirt in question, upon receiving feedback from our customers, we took immediate action to have it removed from our website. We sincerely apologize to anyone who was offended by the product.

Good move, Forever 21. But it should have never been approved in the first place.

Before You Go

Surviving In Numbers: Stories Of Sexual Assault Survivors

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