Yes! Women Have Achieved Equality In At Least One Place

But there's still lots more to do.
Pamela Moore via Getty Images

Women have achieved equality with men when it comes to college degrees, according to U.S. Census Bureau data released on Tuesday.

Now, the challenge is making similar gains in the work world.

In 2015, women and men ages 25 and older held bachelor degrees at about the same rate, according to the data: 33 percent of women, compared to 32 percent of men. The 1-percent difference is not really statistically significant, the census notes. Still, it's cool to see women kinda edging out the guys, right?

Women ages 25 and older now hold bachelor's degrees at a slightly higher rate than their male peers.
Women ages 25 and older now hold bachelor's degrees at a slightly higher rate than their male peers.
Census Bureau

Women have spent decades catching up to men in the educational arena. In 1967 -- a time when girls were often told to go to college to get their "Mrs. degrees" and find husbands -- 13 percent of men ages 25 years and up had a bachelor's degree, compared to just 8 percent of women. But by 2010, the college degree gap had narrowed to just 1 percentage point.

Young women ages 25-29 started to earn more college degrees than men in the 1990s, but it took a while for that trend to counteract the education gap that existed for their moms and grandmothers.

Younger women have held bachelor's degrees at a higher rate than their male peers since the 1990s.
Younger women have held bachelor's degrees at a higher rate than their male peers since the 1990s.
U.S. Census Bureau

In fact, younger women are really killing it when it comes to college. Check out this chart, from a different slice of census data released last year:

Women's educational attainment has continued to climb with each new generation, while the percentage of men with bachelor's degrees has remained fairly steady over time.
Women's educational attainment has continued to climb with each new generation, while the percentage of men with bachelor's degrees has remained fairly steady over time.

Yet for all this advancement in the educational arena, we're still seeing massive inequality in the work world: Women make 78 cents, on average, for every dollar a man earns. And while women make up 45 percent of employees at S&P 500 firms, their numbers diminish rapidly higher up the corporate ladder. Only one-quarter of senior-level executives are women and just 4 percent of CEOs are, according to this analysis from Catalyst.

Women make up 45 percent of the labor force at S&P 500 companies, but their numbers decline in more senior positions at those companies.
Women make up 45 percent of the labor force at S&P 500 companies, but their numbers decline in more senior positions at those companies.

Let's hope it doesn't take decades to close this gap, too.

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