High-Speed Photography, Vacuum-Sealed Couples And More: HuffPost Arts' Week In Review

The Week In Art

What a week in art! From high-speed photography to a charming video-a-day project, HuffPost Arts was there to capture it all. Here are our top stories from the week.

VACUUM-SEALED COUPLES...A Japanese photographer who goes by Photographer Hal finds couples who interest him at underground bars and other "places which are full of activity like luscious
night time bee-hives." He then proposes his unusual project and hopes the couples will want to take their relationship to the next level. The result is called 'Flesh Love,' a collection of ready-packed lovers sealed, fresh and ready to go.

WHAT MADELINE DID IN 2011...This charming video was a big hit with our readers, and if you watch it, you can see why.

MARIKO SAKAGUCHI'S BATHTUB SELF PORTRAITS...In this week in quirky art, Japanese photographer Mariko Sakaguchi has embarked on a project called 'One Hundred Views of Bathing,' Through this project, she took photographs of herself in an old-style wooden Japanese bathtub in various public and private locations throughout the city.

JASPER JAMES' CITYSCAPE SILHOUETTES...For the past few years James has been traveling to cities around Asia such as Shenzhen, Shanghai and Tokyo for this unique project. James starts by finding an ideal vantage point in the city, takes a photograph and then finds a local resident via the travel website Couchsurfing and photographs them, combining the two images together. James achieves the manipulation all within his camera making basic adjustments to contrast and color without retouching the photos.

City Silhouette, Tokyo

JIM KRAMER'S WATER DROPLETS...These images speak for themselves. Click through for the whole gallery.


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