How Foundr Magazine is Building a Media Empire for Millennial Entrepreneurs

How Foundr Magazine is Building a Media Empire for Millennial Entrepreneurs
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While working at an IT company in 2013, Nathan Chan had big dreams.

Well, not that big actually.

He simply wanted a job that he enjoyed, that would give his life fulfillment, and that would allow him to become the person he always wanted to be.

What he couldn’t have known, however, was that in a mere three years he would have smashed so far beyond these dreams, that he would be in a position where he is able to help others achieve the dream he started out with.

He did this by starting an Entrepreneur magazine, Foundr, which has quickly become a fully fledged digital media company boasting over 1 million plus millennials consuming their content across a range of platforms (Magazine, Blog, Podcast, Newsletter & Social). They also boast an impressive set of superstar entrepreneurs featured as cover stories on their influential digital magazine like Richard Branson, Tim Ferriss, and the Huffington Post’s very own Arianna Huffington.

Nathan started Foundr magazine in March 2013 after catching the entrepreneurial bug from reading books like The Four Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss and Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.

Inspired by the visions of life and business seen in these books, Foundr Magazine was created as a way to pass life-changing knowledge about Entrepreneurship from the world’s most exciting and disruptive business leaders, straight into the hands of those that need it most, young entrepreneurs just starting out.

By doing this Foundr has connected with people in a way that goes way beyond what Nathan thought when he first started the magazine.

At a time when traditional models of employment are failing, and everyone from recent college grads to mid-career professionals are looking at other ways to live and earn money, it is no surprise that Foundr has been such a big success.

Nathan himself says that before he started Foundr “I was really struggling to find work that really fulfilled me”.

Wanting to change this, he decided he had to find out what it took to be a successful entrepreneur and to find work that he really enjoyed. This lead to him starting Foundr magazine.

Luckily for Nathan things took off quickly. His magazine interviewed some top entrepreneurial talent that meant when people came to his site it gave his brand an extra level of credibility.

After spending just over a year really focusing on building the magazine, Foundr soon started to branch out into other forms of digital media including podcasts, blog content, and social media.

One of the reasons Foundr has been so successful is the great content they produce as well as the marketing efforts they put in around this. One of the social platforms Foundr has been especially successful on is Instagram, where its visual nature allows Foundr’s entrepreneurial advice to really shine through.

However, Nathan says they are always looking for new places to build their brand and create top content. They have a very growth-oriented strategy when it comes to marketing that revolves around constantly looking for new places to grow. They do this by finding out exactly what works, then doubling down on this until they have mastered the medium and then moving onto the next platform.

As a company that specializes in giving people the best entrepreneurial advice out there, Nathan has, of course, heard a lot of really world class advice. However, one thing that stuck with him was how important it is to have good relationships.

Going against the stereotype of the cut-throat entrepreneur he says it is important to “serve first, ask later. If you want to get to know someone or start developing your network, just start helping people. Help people whose work you admire. Help people without expecting anything in return.”

This incidentally is essentially what Foundr is doing. When it all gets boiled down Foundr is a digital media company that is trying to help as many people as possible do what Nathan himself has done. Specifically allowing them to build a business that gives them the freedom to live their life exactly as they want to.

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