How Life Coaching is Like Working Out

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Having a life coach, in my opinion, is pretty similar to having to a personal trainer. Except rather than toning your body, you’re toning your life.
Many of us are “waking up” earlier in life and learning that taking care of the inward part of ourselves is just as important as nourishing the outward part.
My life coaching sessions are as imperative to my self-care regimen as going to my Barre Code classes. Actually, I can’t imagine what it would be like to not have coaching as a constant in my life.
If you look at people who dominate at what they do (olympians, professional athletes, business moguls, celebrities) you’ll realize most of them have one resource in common: a coach. If you want to kill it in life, it’s really not that bizarre to have a coach... especially after considering that most of the greatest, highly achieved people do.
Meiying Ng
So, to help you better relate to life coaching, here are a few ways it’s kinda like working out.
1. It’s definitely not easy.
Just as you sometimes despise your trainer for making you do burpees, your life coach will ask you challenging questions or put you through exercises to break through limiting beliefs and fear blocks.
Just like your mind will beg you to fall out of a minute-long plank, it will tell you things like, “You can’t do this...” or “You don’t deserve that...” or “That’s not possible..”
When in reality, you can, you do and it is.
You will discover patterns that are present in not just one area of your life, but many. Those patterns create vicious cycles that keep you from living your best life. Like any habit, patterns can be hard to break, which is why you have your coach there to keep you accountable and give you support.

You will discover patterns that are present in not just one area of your life, but many.

2. You gotta really want to do it.
At one point, we’ve all probably joined a gym around New Year’s... to only go once. And we all know how much good that did our abs...
Transforming your life requires the same dedication as changing your body. It takes consistency. It also requires a massive amount of bravery and stepping out of your comfort zone.
You will have conversations that have needed to happen for years, you will face fears that have been instilled in you since childhood and you will look at parts of yourself that you don’t necessarily want to acknowledge. You will leave behind a version of yourself that was no longer serving YOU and that’s terrifying.

You will leave behind a version of yourself that was no longer serving YOU and that’s terrifying.

You have to really want a better life and be open to change. But a better life is absolutely what you will get if you stick with it and take on the hard work.
3. Results are visible.
Once you’re committed to doing the work, it’s astonishing how fast your life will shift. Within six months of being coached, I had left a job that I hated and ended a 4-year relationship that I never thought I’d walk away from. I totally experienced the “when one door closes another one opens” phenomenon. It was incredible.
There’s a quote by Les Brown, “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” Life coaching helps you identify your fears and live courageously beyond them. Maintaining a coaching regimen supports you as you make bigger, more daring leaps of faith toward a better, stronger life.

“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.”

-Les Brown
You and everyone around you will absolutely notice the positive changes that you are cultivating for yourself and of course, others.
4. There’s a price.
Most of us pay $100 a month in gym memberships (or more). Well, just like working out, life coaching does cost money. But if you ask me, it’s worth every penny.
When I first started out, my life coach was way out of my budget. But I was seeing such real results that I made it work. That year, I didn’t buy new clothes or shoes or random stuff at Target with my Christmas money, I saved it and paid for my life coaching sessions.
Yes, for much less you can buy a self-help book, just like you can go run outside instead of joining a gym. But having a coach helps you to achieve results much faster than if you were going at it solo. Believe me, I’m the self-help queen, but I didn’t see actual, lasting results until I had a coach.
There is always a way to make something work if you want it bad enough.
So let me ask...

How badly do you want to live the life you’ve always wanted?

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