How to Combat Anxiety Naturally

How to Combat Anxiety Naturally
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Treating anxiety naturally.
Treating anxiety naturally.
The Blue Diamond Gallery

Your boss unexpectedly calls you into their office, your credit card is declined or your significant other says you need to have a “talk”. Any of these situations can bring on feelings of anxiety.

Did you know that anxiety affects 40 million adults in the U.S.? Anxiety disorders are the most common form of mental illness according to the National Institute of Mental Health.

Anxiety symptoms can be triggered by a situation or can be a result of a long-term disorder. The good news is that anxiety, for the most part, is very treatable.

In fact, you can start treating your symptoms right now, without a prescription from the doctor. There are many natural alternatives out there to combat anxiety. Here are a few to try out the next time you start feeling anxious.

Drink Chamomile Tea

Chamomile has been known to promote relaxation according to a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine which confirmed the positive effects of using chamomile to combat anxiety.

The study found that over an eight-week period participants that had been diagnosed with anxiety experienced a significant reduction in anxiety levels.

The positive effects of chamomile on anxiety can be experienced by taking it in either tea or capsule form.

Practice Yoga

Yoga is a mix of body poses, breathing techniques, and meditation. Each of which has been found to aid in reducing feelings of anxiety.

Many yoga poses are known to help release tension in the body, while controlled breathing and meditation aid in calming the mind.

The benefits of yoga on anxiety can be experienced after just one session.

Other natural options to combat anxiety include:

Salmon – Omega-3 fatty acids, such as those found in fatty fish including salmon, may reduce anxiety according to researchers at Ohio State University.

Lavender – Throughout history lavender has been used to treat both anxiety and depression.

Turmeric – Compounds in turmeric may aid in reducing many mood disorders including anxiety.

Reduce caffeine – This popular stimulant can possibly trigger anxiety attacks.

The next time you’re feeling anxious put down the coffee, try a few yoga poses, and drink a cup of chamomile tea as a natural way to calm your mind.

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