I Blamed My Kids for the Shitty Results in My Coaching Biz

I Blamed My Kids for the Shitty Results in My Coaching Biz
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I’m not proud of it, but it’s absolutely true.

I blamed the fact that I had to take time out to get them sorted for school in the mornings, to chat with them in the evenings about their day, to make their dinner, and to help with their homework. And, I’d jump for joy when they finally went to bed so I could get back to work.

I’d bemoan how impossible it was to show up consistently in my biz, when I had all these other responsibilities. Responsibilities that I was doing a crappy job at, btw. I’d lose patience with them constantly, read my emails on my phone while I was chatting with them, complain if they wanted anything for dinner that took more than 20 minutes to cook. And jumped for joy when they went to bed (oh yeah, I mentioned that already).

I was a crappy mum, and a crappy business woman.

I was out there, trying to help people to transform their lives, even though I didn’t have a handle on my own life. I was begrudgingly looking after my kids, I was spending 60+ hours a week in a business that wasn't even covering my bills, and...

I was playing victim.

You know how it goes…

  • I don’t have enough time to market
  • I don’t know how to run successful ads
  • I don’t know how to stand out
  • No one wants my coaching
  • I can’t make room for clients because of my kids (you know, those little people that were one of the main driving forces for me quitting corporate and starting a business in the first place. So I could be an exceptional role model... Fat chance!!!)

Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit! (oh yeah, and if the swearing offends you, feel free to click away, and please don’t bother writing to tell me about it).

The fact is that I was just so goddamn stuck in that victim mindset that I couldn’t see the woods for the trees.

You see, the reality was that

  1. I had plenty of time to market, but I was too busy wasting my time on all the wrong things because I didn’t know how to write powerfully compelling messages and show up like an expert.
  1. I didn’t know how to run successful ads, but there were plenty of people out there to help me. Of course, whenever I did run ads I just poured money down the drain because I didn’t have point 1 figured out.
  1. I didn’t know how to stand out - point 1 again.
  1. No one wanted my coaching because... oh yeah, back to point 1
  1. And I couldn’t make room for clients because I was wasting all of my time (see point 1) while the kids were at school and felt unproductive and overwhelmed by the time the kids came home and I had achieved exactly NOTHING!

Here’s the truth…

You don’t need a coach to run a business (neither do I, but I still fork out thousands of dollars every single month to make sure I stay at the top of my game and am consistently expanding as a leader and CEO of my biz and my life).

Because you are already an EXPERT. You already have the makings of a powerful leader inside of you. And, you already have EVERYTHING you need, within you, to create a high-impact, high-income coaching biz.

But what got you from employee to self-employed is not what will get you from ground zero to 6 figures.

And that’s what I'm here for.

To help you to recognise your own incredible potential, to hold you accountable to keep doing the right things, at the right times, to develop your skills and success habits, and to stop you from dropping into victim mode every time something goes wrong, you get scared, or you don’t get the results you want.

Because, I could lie to you, and tell you you’re doing great. But let’s be honest...

If you had that kind of support, you’d already have consistent clients and income. Instead of doubt, fear and inaction!

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