Is Nissan's Leaf Too Sexy for Your Pocketbook? (Video)

Is Nissan's Leaf Too Sexy for Your Pocketbook? (Video)
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It's every enviro's green dream: roll into your garage with your new Nissan Leaf, plug it in to the wall, and slip into something more comfortable while the solar panels on the roof fill up your car with clean juice. Over drinks (locally brewed, of course), you can boast to your friends that you're pretty much "off fossil fuels." (Take that Al Gore!)

But can anyone other than Al Gore afford it? Electric cars may pimp your green image but just how expensive is a zero-emissions ride? You do have to admire its style: Planet Forward member and creator of MPG-o-Matic, Daniel Gray, shows us some cool features of Nissan's electric vehicle (you can see Dan's full video here). But, we do some math that will test your electric faith.

It's not just the cost. A few weeks ago we examined whether or not the grid could handle all these electric cars with Marc Spitzer of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). He wants to see 20 million plug-in vehicles on American highways in the next five years, but is that really feasible? Check it out. And, if you're so inclined, make your own case for or against the electric ride.

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