How Joy Is Neccesary For The 'Good Life': An All Together Conversation With Miroslav Volf

In the back of our minds are always questions. What is life for? Is this what I am meant to do? Am I living life to the fullest? Where's the joy? How can I live 'the Good Life?'

Each day, human beings around the world wake up, eat, work, attend to family, and go back to sleep. And then get up and do it over, and over, and over again.

However, in the back of our minds are always questions. What is life for? Is this what I am meant to do? Am I living life to the fullest? Where's the joy? How can I live 'the Good Life?'

This week's All Together features a conversation with Dr. Miroslav Volf, who is a professor of theology at Yale University Divinity School and the Founding Director of the Yale Center for Faith and Culture.

Dr. Volf is the principle investigator of a major new study funded by the John Templeton Foundation on joy and the good life. In this wide ranging conversation, Dr. Volf answered questions about the difference between joy and happiness and how each of us might live 'the good life.'

You can download HuffPost All Together on iTunes or Stitcher.

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