Let’s Go to Europe – Where Exactly?

Let’s Go to Europe – Where Exactly?
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Is it Safe to Travel to Europe?

Prior departing for your trip, it is also crucial to check terror threat alerts in the countries of Europe to which you are traveling. It’s not naïve to say Europe have been under a few terror attacks lately. Europe has traditionally been safe to visit, but lately there have been some terrorism acts which bring the question, is it safe to travel to Europe? So be sure to watch the news and check into this before leaving to each new destination. It is fairly safe to travel to Europe.

Whether you travel to any country in Europe alone, and even if you go in a pair or even as a group for that matter, there are some steps you can always take to make yourself on the safe side.

  • Have a list of contacts on hand, or preferably to a few of people that care about you.
  • Before you leave, provide copies of your itinerary to everyone who is beloved to you.
  • Make sure your people know how to reach you in case of an emergency, and make sure you have a plan to reach them should you need their help.

Think about the logistics of using your phone and email in Europe. If you are staying in hotels, you may have trouble accessing the Internet. Phone chargers must have adapters to convert to European outlets. Think about these things beforehand so that you always have a line of communication with home should something go wrong.

Best Time to Travel to Italy

Imagine a place that has the connection with Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci, Pizza, and the Pope’s residence. What do these things cited above have in common? If someone cannot tell you that country describe above, you simply tell them it’s Italy.

It is considered to be as one of the most romantic countries in Europe beside France of course. It is deemed to be one of the top choices many people pick to spend their honeymoons. One cannot get enough of Italy; especially the beaches, restaurants and other beautiful landmarks of this country.

The best time to travel to Italy is in autumn season when the weather is bearable for most travelers. Traffic and parking problem of Rome is very disturbing but if you are planning to visit Italy, August is the best time as the crowd is minimal.

During August and July, you can enjoy on the delicious food of Rome and on many shacks while taking a walk at the beach as the weather is very cool during these months.

These 3 cities, Verona, Milan and Venice look absolutely breathtaking in the season of early spring, and they are located in Northern part of Italy. The winter season of Italy is pleasant and foggy in the month of December as often reported.

The Best Travel Apps to Have When visiting Europe

Copious travel apps exist on the market and have become essential travel devices, but the best ones are those that do their job well in a fairly quick manner. It’s best to choose the apps that have been tried and tested rather than those which are new on the market and still not well established. And one exciting rather amazing thing is that most travel apps are free!

Most travelers find that navigation apps, and the ones used to manage their money are most useful travel and technology aids. What about communication apps? Which beg the answer of TripLingo.

TripLingo is an app that will help you communicate no matter where in Europe you’re traveling to. It covers 12 different languages, French, English, Italian... The app will teach you crucial sentences to get by, it translates what you say. This app has the option for you to talk to a live translator and teach you about the local culture. The TripLingo app is compatible with iOS 5.0 or later models and iPhones.

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