Finding A Queer-Friendly Doc Could Get Easier In The Very Near Future

And other stories from your weekly Queer Wellness round-up.

Each week HuffPost Queer Voices, in a partnership with LGBT HealthLink, a Program of CenterLink, and researcher and blogger Corey Prachniak, brings you a round up of some of the biggest LGBT wellness stories from the past seven days. For more LGBT Wellness, visit our page dedicated to the topic here.

Finding A Queer-Friendly Doc Could Get Easier

A New Jersey college student developed an online application that will let users search nearby for medical doctors based on how LGBT-friendly they have been rated. While you’re waiting for its public launch, check out these resources for finding a culturally-competent doctor (and what to do if you get sub-par care).

Bi Men Silent in Health Surveys

A study found that 61 percent of bisexual Canadian men were unlikely to report their orientation in government surveys used to monitor population health, compared to only 14 percent of gay men who were unlikely to do so. Researchers believe anti-bi stigma may prevent men from self-identifying publicly, and that it could result in bisexual health issues being diluted in statistical data.

Options, Demand Grow for Gender-Affirming Surgery

Hospitals are increasingly offering gender-affirming surgery as more insurance policies (public and private) start covering such care, the Wall Street Journal reports. Demand has also grown, and some facilities report long waiting lists of patients who previously lacked financial access to have transition-related surgery.

Reduction in Tobacco Stores May Not Lower Disparities

Researchers found that CVS’s decision to stop selling tobacco products may not impact racial and socioeconomic smoking disparities, because a test run in Rhode Island found that lower-income and minority neighborhoods already had far more tobacco stores. The same could hold true for the massive LGBT smoking disparities, particularly ― the results would suggest ― to queer people of color.

How Homeless Queer Youth Can Access IDs

The Center for American Progress launched a helpful guide explaining how homeless queer youth ― who comprise a huge chunk of the homeless population ― can access ID cards in each of the 50 states. Having an ID can be a prerequisite to accessing healthcare, employment opportunities and more.

Tackling Health Disparities in the Bi Community

The Movement Advancement Project published a report on bisexual disparities and how they might be addressed, including in the areas of physical and mental health. The report notes higher rates of risks (like smoking and being uninsured) as well as conditions (such as certain cancers and depression), which are often exacerbated by other forms of marginalization, including on the basis of race and gender identity.

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