Making Sense of Trump, in Verse

Making Sense of Trump, in Verse
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There once was a racist from Queens,

A predator – grown women and teens!

A serial liar,

He stiffs his suppliers,

But no worries! He says what he means.

White workers were sold on his pitch

He understands about that which they bitch

They work hard, but they’re poor

Now their jobs are offshore,

The answer? Tax cuts! (for the rich).

Trump’s sycophants appeal to his vanity,

Though they must know his words are insanity

The Times reports what he spake,

Then Trump says that they’re a fake

He gets his “real news” from Hannity

Trump made promises while he campaigned

That the swamp that’s D.C. would be drained

Now he’s filled it with bankers

And leaky oil tankers,

Meals on wheels? That’s been restrained!

And the privatization of schools?

Profiteers using kids as their tools.

And Betsy DeVos?

F--k – I’m at a loss,

A ship of pedagogical fools

Trump’s accomplishments aren’t what he claims,

Detractors? He just calls them names.

His hands are so small,

Like the crowd on the mall,

His next failure? Let’s see who he blames.

He appalls foreign leaders he meets,

With his ignorance, and with his tweets

He’s out of his league,

Not unlike Captain Queeg

And as a businessman, and husband, he cheats.

The ACA? He’ll repeal and replace!

A favorite topic (except maybe race).

The new plan covers so few

In red states and blue,

It’s left the POTUS orange in the face.

And Trump’s appalling executive orders,

Banning Muslims from crossing our borders,

There’s a deafening silence,

About the real sources of violence,

Including white terrorists, and other gun hoarders

Trump’s bombastic, obnoxious and loud,

Racists boys dominate his “in crowd.”

Renounce KKK?

Nah - defund EPA.

A White House of which the Alt Right can be proud.

Trump’s motto: “Make American Great!”

But the whole thing is premised on hate,

We’re shocked and we’re pissed,

So we’re gonna resist,

Struggle works. Don’t believe me? Just wait!

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