"I'm not a fan of Trump's but I am a fan of toasted sandwiches."
A British man found a piece of ham that he thinks looks amazingly like Donald Trump.
A British man found a piece of ham that he thinks looks amazingly like Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is already hard to stomach, but try eating a sandwich with him in it.

That's what a musician in Edinburgh, Scotland, did after he found a piece of ham that he said looked amazingly like "the Donald."

Liam O'Hare discovered the especially piggish ham earlier this week when he was making a toasted ham and cheese sandwich at home.

He opened a package of ham and -- lo and behold -- "Donald Rump" was staring right at him.

"When I first opened it, I thought it looked quite like a face. And then I realized that it looked like a face I had seen a lot of recently," O'Hare told South West News Service. "I'm not a fan of Trump's but I am a fan of toasted sandwiches so rather than preserving it, I ate it straight away."

Although the possibility of a Trump presidency makes some people's stomach churn, the 36-year-old O'Hare had no problem eating a sandwich resembling the boorish billionaire.

"It was delicious. I didn't feel guilty in the slightest," he said.

The Trump ham came in a packet of five slices that cost around $4.24. O'Hare hasn't eaten all of them yet.

"The one slice that is left looks kind of like Trump as well. They must have all been quite Trumpy. They were probably identical," he said.

O'Hare insists that his love of toasted ham and cheese sandwiches using meat that vaguely resembles the hammy reality show host should in no way reflect support of Trump the candidate.

"I don't like Donald Trump at all, or anything that he stands for. I think he's an idiot," O'Hare said.

"As far as the ham goes, it was just a bit of ham. But eating Trump's face was very satisfying."

O'Hare isn't the first person who has seen Trump's face in refrigerated food items.

Jan Castellano/Getty Images

Last August, Jan Castellano, of Wildwood, Missouri, opened a tub of Earth Balance Organic Spread only to see the image of Donald Trump looking right back at her.

"This was pretty much before I had coffee, so I was easily amused," Castellano, 63, told The Huffington Post at the time. "I needed to put on my glasses to make sure it was him."

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