CNN's Mike Rowe Slams Melissa Harris-Perry For 'Hard Worker' Comment

Rowe is the latest to pile on to the MSNBC host for her remarks.

MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry has faced major backlash after she objected to a guest on her show using the term "hard worker" to describe House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.)

"I want us to be super-careful when we use the language ‘hard worker,’ because I actually keep an image of folks working in cotton fields on my office wall, because it is a reminder about what hard work looks like,” Harris-Perry said on her Oct. 25 show, going on to note that conservatives often demean the work ethic of women and minorities.

Conservatives have since taken Harris-Perry's remarks as evidence of liberal sensitivity run amok. The Blaze's Glenn Beck and Fox News' Megyn Kelly mocked her argument on a "Kelly File" segment. Greta Van Susteren, also of Fox News, called Harris-Perry's comment "completely ridiculous."

CNN's Mike Rowe, who hosts a show profiling people who work in unique jobs, has become the latest to pile on to the MSNBC host.

"There is no longer a limit to what people can be offended by," Rowe wrote on Facebook on Thursday. "Melissa Harris-Perry appears to be put off by the suggestion that 'hard work' is too often linked with success."

What's on YOUR Wall?'Hello Mr. Rowe! What's your take on MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry being offended by the phrase ...

Posted by Mike Rowe on Thursday, October 29, 2015

Rowe argued that there is a difference between slavery and hard work, since one is forced labor while the other results from an individual's decision to work hard.

MSNBC has declined to comment on the matter.

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