Obama’s Next Chapter: Write A New Book

The president plans to embark on a new literary journey once his second term comes to a close.
Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

This week, the LA Times wrote up an interview President Obama gave with CNN’s David Axelrod, detailing the end of his two-term presidency and his plans for the future.

What’s up next for the Obamas? In addition to rumors that the president hopes to launch his own digital media company, he told CNN that he’s going to take Michelle on a nice, deserved vacation. And after that: “I’m gonna start thinking about the first book I ― I want to write.”

By first book, Obama doesn’t mean a first book, but rather a first post-presidency tome. He’s already written a memoir, something of a political credo, and a children’s book dedicated to his daughters, detailing the lives of altruistic Americans. Now, he’ll follow in the footsteps of past presidents by publishing after leaving the White House.

The New York Times wrote in September that such a title could rack up a deal in the tens of millions, easily financing the family’s next home.

Of course, the choice wouldn’t be purely economic. Obama’s interest in literature was clear from the outset of his presidency, and was only further solidified in the eyes of bibliophiles when he interviewed writer’s writer Marilynne Robinson about gun control, religion and community. (Plus, his favorite book of last year was Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff.)

Perhaps a tentative multi-book deal will reflect his literary interests; regardless, any political insights he’s willing to dispel will be appreciated in coming years.

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