Play Poker with Fear

Play Poker with Fear
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It’s not how you fall, it’s about how you pick yourself up from the fall. Life is yours if you choose to live it. The thing is though you have to actually live. You have to push. You have to remove the “what if’s” and stop the “shoulds” and “should-haves” — Staying in constant questioning + doubting mode are the water to your flames. They will put out any flames quicker than it took to start the fire itself.

In lieu of the question, “Are you fully alive?“–> what are you holding back, not pursuing, not doing today? What are you afraid of attempting? What is the actual risk for not pursuing, not doing, not attempting…With the ever so enlightened humor of YOLO (you only live once) it’s time to cease the pause. The time is now not tomorrow or a year later. There is no better time to start than right fucking now.

Every little action has a step in securing + expanding your flames.

No action equates to No fire. Simple.

Think cause and effect. This can be applied to almost any area of your life. You have two choices : you either try + go after what you desire OR you sit in a place of fear. That’s what it boils down to – the reason for the “what-if’s” and the “should’s”…. is fear. Fear of rejection, Fear of failure, Fear of rising up + blowing their mind, the underlying factor is nothing but fear. Fear can be conquered, that’s the good news. You have the power to turn fear into your greatest gift. Fear can fan the flames – fear can be your building blocks to expansion. When you are able to push past that initial worry and you actual face the fear the other side – the accomplishment – the victory (or non-victory) will feel that much more incredible. See, when you find your biggest fears and get yourself to dive through them even if you have a result that is not victorious or the result you were hoping to achieve – you can still feel accomplished AND victorious. Bottom line is – you just faced something that scared the shit out of you – that’s a huge effect and a huge result worth feeling good about.

When you try + face your fear you really can’t fail.

There is a silver lining – a positive result – a lesson – you did something and you made it to the other side. Realize that.

“Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.” ― Jim Morrison

I’ve had the honor of failing a lot. The beauty is that I’m still here. That is worth celebrating. Think back to the moments that you didn’t think you’d make it out…like there was absolute no hope…you’re still here xx amount of time later, right? Recall that when the fear steps in. Take note of your eventual death bed. Would the fear hold the same validity if you knew you only had a certain amount of time to live? I am going to wager a big NO.

The only way to greatness is to move past that place of fear and worry.

The way to think about this is the motivating words “fuck em”. Most fear is coming out of a worry of what someone will think of your action. Fuck em. Without pushing, expanding ourselves, learning, experimenting how do we expect to grow or feel accomplished? The only way to grow is by trying. There will be fails. There will also be victories. How much are you willing to let fear take control of your life, your one life? The choice is yours. You can begin anytime.

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” ― Plato

Without cause there is no effect. Without trying there is no expanding.

You can wind up looking back at your past full of regret and looking back with lots of “should-have’s” or you can live like it’s your last day alive.

Release the fear, it does not have the higher hand. Even if and when the house wins and things wind up unsavory, you gave it a go. There’s no regret in trying. Fuck em.


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