The Gay Pokémon Go Porn Parody You Didn't Know You Wanted Is Here

Get ready for “F*ckémon Go.”

Pokémon Go ’s influence on American pop culture now extends to gay porn.

Having previously offered XXX-rated takes on blockbuster films like “Captain America” and “X-Men,” adult site skewers the video game sensation with a new film, “F*ckémon Go.”

“After a long day of mastering their ball-handling technique catching Fuckémon, Ash and his buddy, Brock, are in for a surprise,” filmmakers said of the parody in a press release. “When the boys hunt down and catch a rare Peek-a-Choo, he evolves into a muscular sex god. What are these boys to do when faced with a hunky, real-life Peek-a-Choo?”

Director Edward James told The Huffington Post in an email that fans had been “demanding” a Pokémon Go porn parody for some time. He and the creative team noticed an “amusing similarity between Pokémon Go and dating apps like Grindr,” making it a “natural fit” for the gay site.

“Gay men have been using location-based apps for cruising and hooking up since the dawn of smartphones,” he said. “‘Gotta catch ‘em all’ could easily be a tagline for gay location-based dating apps, too.”

“F*ckémon Go” is available now ― head here for details.

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