Publicity with Purpose: How Every Entrepreneur Can Benefit From PR

Pubilicity with Purpose: How Every Entrepreneur Can Benefit From PR
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Anyone new to the entrepreneurial world knows that it can be difficult to get your message out into the world. While it may seem easy – and more realistic – to hide behind your computer and dedicate all of your focus to online strategies, you may be missing out on some of the most successful ways to grow your influence and credibility.

What I’m talking about is good old fashioned PR.

As an entrepreneur myself, I can understand the fear and hesitation that goes hand in hand with those two little letters, especially if you have never really dealt with PR in any of your past jobs or endeavors. You may be thinking, “I just started my business, I’m not ready for public relations!” But according to Heather DeSantis, a Public Relations expert, it’s never too soon to start telling your story.

Heather, a fellow entrepreneur herself, focuses on helping her clients understand that the online world is getting very crowded. By continuing to aimlessly post online, you are missing out on opportunities to connect with the real people out there that directly relate to you. It was this idea of “finding your fit” that inspired Heather’s personal business mantra: Publicity with Purpose. As an entrepreneur, you already have your mission, your why, your story. Taking your message offline not only grows your reach (you have access to many new platforms and media streams, such as TV and radio) but it builds the public integrity of your business.

“If you feel like you have a purpose and you’re an entrepreneur, you’re only holding yourself back by not doing TV.”

According to Heather, it’s often an entrepreneur's story that influences buyers more than the product or service they are selling. The internet gives us a world of choice. Why should people buy from you instead of anyone else offering something similar? Your story and the real you gives them something concrete to connect to instead of a faceless brand. Positive things happen when business owners put themselves out there and let the world see that they are people too; it is the trust and influence that gets built by illustrating your story that draws people to you and your business.

Still feeling as if PR is out of reach for you? Heather recommends starting small. Your local market is in need of guests with stories every single day. You don’t have to travel to grow your legitimacy. It’s as simple as showing your community that you aren’t spending all of your time on a computer. When people see you getting endorsed by the local TV/radio stations it becomes easier to grow within your local market… because now they know you.

For more tips on how you can get started, check out Heather’s Facebook page Publicity with Purpose. Not only does she share free leads every day, but there are also a lot of helpful resources, such as “how to get on TV in 30 days”.

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