Put Down the Vision Board

Put Down the Vision Board
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Stop vision boarding and live the vision

Enjoy the seconds, minutes, hours, days

What would happen if you just dropped into your heart and let whatever wisdom has been hiding deep inside of you come up and out? Let yourself get silent daily, preferably once upon waking and once more before sleeping. Gratitude is the key. Yes. We are living fast, hard and we are constantly seeking the next best thing, the next level, the next relationship, the next payment, the next adventure.

Less seeking, reaching, dreaming
More right now.

Let’s slow down just for that split second and savor this moment.
Let’s enjoy life at the seconds, minutes, hours and daily moments.
For if you aren’t loving the seconds, minutes, hours it’s time to reevaluate.

Put down the fucking vision boards and the dreams that you conjure up and start actually living and loving right now. Start making moves, shifts, cuts, edits, actions to actually truly immerse and be truly fucking happy right now not the future or the maybe someday that will happen. You are wasting seconds, minutes, hours and days by just continuing to add to your vision boards, to give your wishes dreams hopes and desires to (insert your higher power here), to sit on your meditation pillows and let the higher self visions and dreams dance around you.

What you are hurrying to find, get, experience is worth the journey, the search, the craving, the impatient anxious wanting.

We live in a society where we can get anything in a blink of an eye. Where did the sweet slowness of our wants and our searching go? Modern technology is wonderful but it also has encouraged us to believe that we can get what we want in a quick swipe, tap, click, google search, Amazon prime instant ship now.

The journey and the climb and the hunt is well worth it. Instant gratification can be easy and provide us with solace and a blip of happiness, security, love, passion, money but after the moment passes are you still going to feel what it was you were truly craving, wanting, needing?

If it was supposed to be that quick, instant and easy then everyone would have it and there would be less negativity.

So, slow down. Be with yourself. Focus on yourself and your soul education, your truth, yourself and find your own happiness right now not in some future vision or far off possible dream land.

Enjoy the ride. Enjoy the ups and the downs. Enjoy the bumps. Enjoy the growth, redirection, the blips of victory and failure.

If you don’t like the ride you are on you can get off and change. Remember you do have control of this ride. Even if it doesn’t feel like it, you can stop the ride get up and leave.

You have a lifetime to obtain all you want. There is no rush and whatever you are looking for, craving, needing will be so much sweeter and beyond your wildest dreams. More than anything you can even vision up in some visualization or a vision board of cut out pictures. Make your life right now a vision board. Tear off what, who, where doesn’t work. Find the what, who, where and just start.

Know that something greater than all of us is supporting you toward achieving everything you want and if you want something that is not for the best it will be pushed out of the way and you will be course corrected to what is meant for you.

Enjoy the minutes, hours, days and trust that it is all on its way to you in due time. You have some growing to do before you are truly ready for all your desires and dreams. You are given what your soul and physical body can handle at the present.

When you push and go for the quick fix, easy solution, instant gratification sometimes it ends up not being what you thought, or your energy can’t handle it (just yet)… If you were just handed everything on a silver platter you would have everything and then what would be left to strive for.

(Think of the certain stories of lotto winners or certain musicians/celebrities that yes win big and then lose big — think bankrupt)

Keep going. Keep dreaming. Keep learning. Keep trying. Keep striving. Keep living. MOST OF ALL KEEP LOVING.

Follow Ashley on Twitter: @ataylory

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