Sam Smith Thinks We Missed The Point Of His Oscars Speech, But Apologizes Anyway

After he found out he wasn't the only one.

As the first openly gay writer to address this issue ... lawlz, just kidding.

After Sam Smith claimed that he was possibly the first openly gay man to win an Oscar, the writing (for gay Twitter shade) was on the wall. Almost immediately, social media users criticized the speech, citing examples of gay Oscar winners of years past like Elton John and Dustin Lance Black.

The "Milk" screenwriter went as far as to call the British singer out publicly on Twitter. "If you have no idea who I am, it may be time to stop texting my fiance," he wrote. Black, of course, is referring to gay boy diver extraordinaire Tom Daley.

Considering that Smith was around 16 and living in the U.K. when "Milk" hit theaters, Black's outrage seems a little misplaced. We've got a feeling there's more to the story, so we're launching a "Spotlight" like investigation into the content of those tweets. Fingers crossed for Oscars 2020.

Black later clarified his critique, writing that "knowing our LGBTQ history is important" because "we stand on the shoulders of countless brave men and women who paved the way for us." Maybe you should have led with that one, Dustin.

Anyways, after a night most likely spent drinking champagne from Katy Perry's cleavage or something, the 23-year-old "Stay with Me" singer further elaborated on his comments, tweeting that ranking himself among gay Oscar winners wasn't the point.

He also addressed Black directly, apologizing for the "mix up," before promising to watch some of his films. (Pro tip: you can skip "J. Edgar.") Smith made no mention of the alleged "texts" between himself and Daley, so we're sure the trio hashed that out over a group thread.

Smith then shared two photos of himself on Twitter -- one a black and white shot with his Oscar and a beer and the other taken after his big win.

"I can't put into words how I feel other than... Hungover and Insanely happy," he captioned the first photo.

I can't put into words how I feel other than... Hungover and Insanely happy x

A photo posted by Sam Smith (@samsmithworld) on


A photo posted by Sam Smith (@samsmithworld) on

Black quickly responded to Smith's apology, urging him to drink water, rest and "check out some other Gay Oscar work out there," putting an end to the dispute.

Meanwhile, it's been radio silence over at Camp Daley. His last tweet is about some abs workout. Typical.

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