Seniors and Pokémon Go?

Seniors and Pokémon Go?
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Whether it’s online or in-person, Pokémon Go may be the latest trend to take over every child, teenager, and young adult’s time. In fact, you probably haven’t gone through a day in the past few weeks without someone mentioning or playing it. Excuse me, while I go catch this Bulbasaur that’s appeared in front of my computer screen.

All joking aside, while the application’s popularity has received mixed reviews among the public – some praising its encouragement to get outside and get exercise while leaving others concerned about the safety hazards of playing the game – the positive aspects behind the game have immense potential to help seniors.

Pokémon Go, while nostalgic to some, is really made for people of all ages. There are plenty of stories about the younger generation playing it, but what about seniors? Nurse Next Door is a home care service dedicated to providing Happier Aging - a truly unique concept designed to get seniors back to doing what they love or what makes them happy. Unfortunately, the older generation is often forgotten and we’re sadly accustomed to viewing aging as frankly, depressing. Although seniors may not be the first group of people you think of when it comes to Pokémon Go, we recently taught and filmed a senior how to play (see video above). From this experience, we learned five reasons why all seniors should play:

  1. Promotes exercise. Seniors often have difficulty getting exercise due to physical limitations or preferences to stay inside. Pokémon Go is a great way to get them walking around, while playing, as a hobby. For those who have limited mobility, friends or caregivers would be great people to assist with getting seniors outside if they are in a wheelchair.
  2. Be a part of a community. Because of the nature of the game, large groups of people often gather in a collective area to catch Pokémon. In fact, there’s even a Pokémon Go dating app that’s now emerged. While the dating app may be extreme, this is a great way for seniors to get out and interact with people with a common interest.
  3. Cognitively stimulating. Collecting Pokémon for your Pokédex, battling at Pokémon gyms to increase your level and collecting various items along different routes are all aspects of the game. This not only gives seniors something to do, but it gives them purpose and a sense of accomplishment.
  4. Promotes intergenerational interaction. Many children, teenagers and young adults are already active playing Pokémon Go. With more seniors playing, this will encourage cross-generational social interaction as people go outside to play.
  5. Explore new areas in the city. With Pokémon in different areas of the city, this game not only encourages seniors to get exercise but gets them exploring new areas of the city.

While Pokémon Go is about having fun, safety is always a priority. It’s important for people of all ages to follow these safety tips:

  1. Look both ways before crossing the street.
  2. Don’t walk and “catch.”
  3. Don’t go to unfamiliar territories.
  4. Bring a friend.
  5. Bring water to stay hydrated.
  6. HAVE FUN!

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