Super Bowl Pizza Recipes That Put Delivery To Shame

4 Quarters, 4 Pizzas, Score!

Everybody knows that Super Bowl isn't just about the game. There's the halftime show, the commercials and the food, of course. Wings and chili are sure to be making the rounds; add an assortment of pizzas and you've got the perfect trifecta of game-time grub. They're also easy to customize for a variety of guests.

Before you let the fear of baking turn you off, or send you to the phone for some pre-made pies from the nearest pizza chain, know this: nothing beats fresh pizza, made right at home.

Chef Carla Hall makes hers focaccia style. "At home I tend to use my focaccia dough for pizza," she says. "It's not as crispy as New York-style pizza, but I like the taste of yeasty dough. It cooks like a pan pizza." Hall puts out lots of toppings for guests to make their own personal pies. On her Super Bowl Sunday table: prosciutto, mushrooms, grape tomatoes, basil, pepperoni and white truffle oil.

If you're short on time (you'll need about an hour to let the dough rise) your local pizza shop can sell you a batch of freshly-made dough. Grocery stores carry frozen versions, too.

For a real show-stopping pie, skip the oven and fire up the grill outside. It'll take a few extra minutes, but the wood-oven taste you get will be totally worth braving that winter chill.

Here, four of our favorite chefs are back with their winningest combinations. That's one for each quarter of today's big game.

Before You Go

Southern Style BBQ and Shredded Kale Pizza by Danielle Saunders

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