THE BURIAL HOUR Proves Once Again Jeffery Deaver Is a Brilliantly Intricate Novelist

THE BURIAL HOUR Proves Once Again Jeffery Deaver Is a Brilliantly Intricate Novelist
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Cover of THE BURIAL HOUR; photo courtesy of Grand Central Publishing

Cover of THE BURIAL HOUR; photo courtesy of Grand Central Publishing

Book Review-Jackie K Cooper - THE BURIAL HOUR by Jeffery Deaver

THE BURIAL HOUR is lucky number thirteen in the Lincoln Rhyme/Amelia Sachs series by Jeffery Deaver. Once again the wheelchair bound forensics expert and his chief investigator are called on to solve a mystery. This one starts out in New York but continues in Italy, and Rhyme/Sachs are hot on the trail. Readers will once again be exposed to the intricacies of crime solving as written by the brilliant Mr. Deaver.

This novel picks up pretty much where THE STEEL KISS ended. Rhyme is trying to find justification in his mind as to why he and Amelia should honeymoon in Greenland. He has always wanted to visit this country but he is not sure he can sell her on the idea. He, and the readers, are pleased his physical conditions are improving. He now seems to have more mobility and is not as confined to his home/office as he has been in the past.

He is considering their wedding/honeymoon when he learns of the abduction of a man on the streets on New York. Later a video is posted showing the man in a precarious position that could result in his death. A gallows noose has been left at the scene of the abduction and the video is set to music. Therefore this criminal is known as “the composer.”

Shortly thereafter another abduction occurs and it is in Italy. A gallows noose has also been left at this scene. Thinking it is the same criminal, Rhyme and Sachs, along with Rhyme's assistant/nurse Tom, head off to that country. Their reception isn't exactly warm from the local police but a Forestry Officer who was first on the crime scene is more than willing to help. His name is Ercole Benelli, and he is a welcome addition to Deaver's cast of characters. It is hoped we will see more of him in future novels.

Taking Rhyme and Sachs out of their New York locale appears to rejuvenate Deaver and his story. There is a freshness to this book which is mainly because of a new cast of characters. Don't get me wrong, I love the coterie of professionals who are part of Rhyme's New York crew, but this new group of people is also appealing.

Deaver has been writing novels for many years and he has never once disappointed me. His books are always intriguingly detailed, and place your brain in overdrive as you follow along as Rhyme solves the case. This is true of all his books but especially pertinent to the Rhyme/Sachs series. Plus he has let the romantic situation of these two characters slowly evolve; never making it a forced relationship.

In THE BURIAL HOUR Deaver combines drama, romance and comedy. It is mostly drama but the slight addition of romance and comedy makes for even more reading enjoyment. There is a very short list of authors who can weave all three of these elements into a suspense tale and Deaver is at the top of that list.

I would read any book by Jeffery Deaver but I get especially excited when it is a Rhyme/Sachs story. So don't let that #13 annotation dissuade you from reading THE BURIAL HOUR. In this instance #13 means you just got very lucky.

THE BURIAL HOUR is published by Grand Central Publishing. It contains 480 pages and sells for $28.00.

Jackie K Cooper -

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