The Most Important Non-Endorsement of Donald Trump Today

I won’t endorse you because you CAN’T have my children’s America.
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San Pedro, CA, September 15, 2015, Donald Trump, 2016 Republican Presidential Candidate, Speaks During A Rally Aboard The Battleship USS Iowa In San Pedro, Los Angeles, California While Wearing A Red Baseball Hat That Says Campaign Slogan 'Make America Great Again.'
San Pedro, CA, September 15, 2015, Donald Trump, 2016 Republican Presidential Candidate, Speaks During A Rally Aboard The Battleship USS Iowa In San Pedro, Los Angeles, California While Wearing A Red Baseball Hat That Says Campaign Slogan 'Make America Great Again.'
Visions of America via Getty Images

Mr. Trump,

Hi. How are you? I am fine. Thanks for asking.

Mr. Trump, I have decided not to endorse you. I know that you didn’t see this coming. It’s true that many of my own Facebook friends don’t know who I am, and I know that typically endorsements don’t come from random people. But I have decided to not let any of that bother me and go ahead with my non-endorsement of you anyway.

And here are just a few of my reasons why. Just a few:

I will not endorse you because your behavior is worse than every child that I know. You attack others when you feel threatened (or when you don’t), you claim that people are being unfair to you when they aren’t, you interrupt people constantly, you call people names and tell the ones that you don’t like that they can’t play with you (or that you will build a wall around them or not let them in to the country to play) and you throw a (twitter) tantrum and are mean when you don’t get what you want.

These are all childish behaviors.

And here’s the thing, Mr. Trump. Children have a right to these behaviors. It is almost insulting to children to equate your behaviors to theirs. Because THEY have a reason. They are still developing and growing and learning to deal with emotions and ideas that they don’t understand.

You, on the other hand, should be pretty developed by now.

The second reason I won’t endorse you is because last year when you announced you were running for president, you decided to make your entrance by gliding down an escalator. I just can’t get that image out of my head, Mr. Trump. Still bothers me. Talk about bad choices. It was like a scene out of an SNL skit. And I sincerely feel that you should have made a more honest entrance. One that really represented who you are (as if we didn’t already know). For a man who was going to do what you have done to this country, you should have prepped us by riding out on the back of a garbage truck. Because that is how you have treated this election. And the people in it. And the country that you so desperately want to lead.

“You that you are f—g fired, Mr. Trump. You are fired from making me feel angry and disgusted and you are fired from taking us all down to the gutter with your hate.”

And finally, and most importantly, I won’t endorse you because you CAN’T have my children’s America ― not for a moment, not for an hour and certainly not for four years! I know that you want to slap your name on the side of what we parents in this country are building, Mr. Trump.

And I am here to tell you that you are f—g fired, Mr. Trump. You are fired from making me feel angry and disgusted and you are fired from taking us all down to the gutter with your hate. You are just f—g fired!

And now, I will tell YOU about my children’s America, Mr. Trump. The one that I will make sure with my vote that you are unable to get your hands on.

My children’s America will have a leader who can teach them to be proud. Proud of their bodies, proud of their minds and proud of all of the things that they are capable of. My children’s America is a country where it isn’t just my own children who will feel this pride. It is all children, Mr. Trump. Black children, White children, Muslim children, Disabled children, LGBTQ children. ALL little boys and little girls.

My children’s America is a land where our little boys won’t be taught that if you are in a certain location such as a locker room that it is acceptable to talk about grabbing women’s pussies. “Close the door, fellas. We are in the locker room. If you say it here, it is like not saying it at all. Just locker room talk.” Because Mr. Trump, it doesn’t matter where we say things. If people hear them, then they have an effect.

My children’s America is a land where little girl’s don’t just think, but they knooooooowwwwwww that their beauty comes in their brains and in their laughs and in their hearts and in their personalities. And they know that when a bully comes around and starts talking about them as fat or ugly or stupid that that they need to turn their beautiful selves around and walk away. Because any man who needs to tear a woman down like that is obviously hiding his own incredible insecurities. And no woman deserves to be treated that way.

My children’s America is inclusive. A country where the hate that you have fostered is not the standard form of commerce. We won’t let you win this country with your hatred, Mr. Trump.

My children’s America has a leader who shows them how to speak to other people respectfully. How to wait until somebody finishes their thought, listen to what that person has said and try to figure out the best way to phrase what they want to say next. Because when we actually listen to people, Mr. Trump, well, we learn things. And while it may be good to just spew out what you are thinking on reality tv, it is not actually always good in reality.

“My children’s America is going to be an amazing place. It is going to be a place where we build beauty, not darkness and anger.”

And in my children’s America, when we do spew things that are not nice or hurtful, we do this thing. It is a crazy thing. It is called apologizing. Here’s how I teach my children how to do it. Look the person that you have wronged in the eye. No, don’t blame someone else. Your apology should never offer blame or a scapegoat. That is the whole point of an apology. Oh, and what does it mean to apologize? It means that I know that I have done something wrong and I WON’T do it again.

My children’s America will know how to apologize, Mr. Trump. Because none of us are perfect. And sometimes real apologies are in order.

My children’s America is going to be an amazing place. It is going to be a place where we build beauty, not darkness and anger.

Because I am not sure if you know this, Mr. Trump, but we can build in all different ways.

But building always requires putting things together. Not tearing them apart.

So, Mr. Trump, these are just a few reasons why you don’t have my endorsement. Or my vote.

Thank you for listening. I know that it is hard to take the time to listen to an opinion other than your own.

Sincerely yours,

One voter who will make America Great Again. By not voting Trump.


Before You Go

#IntellectualTrump Is The Hilarious Oxymoron That Nearly Broke Twitter

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