The New, New Anti-Semitic Attacks on George Soros.

The New, New Anti-Semitic Attacks on George Soros.
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Over the decades I’ve been doing this, I’ve had occasion to write any number of stories about anti-Semitic attacks on George Soros, (some of which came from Jews). Soros’ bravery in financing democratic and liberal institutions in the US and across the world, together with his background as a Hungarian Holocaust survivor have made him a big fat target for the kinds of people with whom Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka like to hang when not advising the president of the United States.

I did a Google search of my old articles and came up with this and this from thirteen years ago and this from 2010. I’ve written more but this is what turned up. (Note: I have never personally received any funding from Soros, nor has any institution ever received funding in order to fund my work. I barely know the man.)

The reason I bring this up is that, as you know if you follow the news, it’s happening all over again. It’s tied to the Alt-right campaign that elected Donald Trump in this country, won the Brexit vote in Britain, and is on the rise in much of the world, including especially Hungary. I would write another article about it today, but fortunately I don’t have to because the AP has done a fine job it already and you can just read theirs, here

Read it and ask yourselves: What do Trump, Putin, Victor Orban and the Ayatollah Khamenei have in common? They scapegoat George Soros for domestic opposition to their failed policies and political repression. Know a man (or woman) by his (or her) enemies. I think people who know Soros (as I do not, not really) should be damn proud of it.

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