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Inauguration Day 2017 marked the birth of the Un-United Two States of America.

It was the official beginning of the Make America Great Divide.

HIs two minute scowling, Mussolini/Mafia Knee Capper/Infant King/Thug speech set both the tone and announced the clear and present danger for the nightmare that was coming at us like a South Pacific Tsunami.

There was a new Gary Abusive sheriff in town and the new corporate headquarters of the wild, Wild West government would be operating from the floors of his Ivory Towers and his Florida retreat (where you could have some face time with the our Ground Nero Emperor for a $200,000 membership fee) with an occasional stop over in the White, White, White House, just for show.

But his biggest and perhaps scariest declaration was that the country was now whittled down to just two states:

Trumpland (which is not your land that was made for you and me) and Dumpland (where blame goes to prosper, facts are incinerated and lies are allowed to roam free and unchallenged).

This rapturous rapture rupture has been a long time in the making.

For most of us, the sudden and meteoric rise of Barack Obama was a personal epiphany. Together we had suddenly made an improbable, no, impossible, quantum leap, that took us far beyond the still lingering reaches of the Civil Rights movement years.

We had landed on a new and instantly resurrected Planet Earth where there were fields of dreams, oceans of hope and the feeling that change was about to become our most vital currency.

We bathed in the glow of the searing brilliance of this attractive, soulful, charismatic man with his deep-seeded devotion to the constitution and love of progressive ideas and language. Plus he came with an attractive family, which reminded many of us of the Kennedys. Finally, here was the antidote to George Bush's clumsy oaf presidency that was marked by a brutal, illegal war and a crushing financial depression.

We were saved.

In a flurry of decisive actions, that were not marked by a series of lamely staged photo ops that showed him signing executive orders, surrounded by the equivalent of round the clock nurses, like a five year old child with a severe case of Asperger's Syndrome, President Kickass took on the obliterated economy and then went on to make America beyond great again with one social and environmental program after another. Dignity was given to the the LGBT community. Universal Healthcare finally became a reality.

You were all there. You saw it. You felt it. We were enriched. The world loved our leader. We set the standard again.

We were America at it's best.

Ah, but then trouble began to surface in River City.

The GOPhuck Yourself, blatantly racist Congress announced on day one that they were going to pledge themselves to stop this man's (and our) progress at every single turn. They basically converted the next to two terms into what I call Eight Years a Slave, as the white massah's of the big house made sure that the man stayed a shoe buffin' boy.

But something even more insidious began to happen.

Pavlovian Mine fields were being planted in the brains of the colossally stupid and the religiously fanatic.

Together with Fox News and Conservative talk radio (lead by conspiracy spreading theorists/lunatics like Rush Limbaugh and Alfred E. Newsman, Alex Jones), The National Enquirer and Breitbart, the GOPhuck Yourselves made it a point to whip up the Confederacy of Dunces (soon to be Donces) who do not read The New York Times, The Washington Post or listen to MSNBC or CNN or anything that sits on the shelves of bookstores or libraries.

In other words: they turned up the heat on racism by about a million degrees Fahrenheit 451.

They empowered the ugly American beast, fed it, stoked it and nurtured it until they were able to leave it on the steps of The Stephen Bannon Orphanage for About To Be Abused Americans.

According to a recent Time Magazine article, Bannon, red nosed, pants soiling, failed Hollywood screenwriter, believes that, for a new world order to rise, there must be a massive reckoning. That we will soon reach our climax conflict.

In the White House, Bannon has advised Trump to enact policies that will disrupt our current order to bring about what he perceives as a necessary new one. He encourages breaking down political and economic alliances and turning away from traditional American principles to cause chaos.

All this really does, is provide an incredible open season opportunity for people like the Trumps and their rich boy cronies to be free of any kind of restriction in order to make a massive financial killing.

After all, Trump said that we had killers, just like in Russia. What, you think we're so innocent?

And speaking of Russia, Trump is making sure that he won't go down, Nixon style.

By preaching that ALL legitimate, forth estate, checks and balances reporting is fake, when the real, hardcore, indisputable proof surfaces from the intelligence community (that will prove categorically that he and his Good Squad have been plotting with the Russians for years, because he is so deeply in debt to their banks, which is why he refuses to show his tax records) his base will be trained to dismiss it all as lies.

So what do we do?

What we don't do is become silenced and victimized. What we don't do is become passive and play Angry Birds or stare at our fucking black mirror phones all day or spend more time with Netflix than we do our own children.

We get fucking angry. We do what I am doing right now: applying all our talents to help the great good.

We stop being self-involved and guided by the belief that we are impotent and his power cannot be contained or controlled.

We take on the man, Frank Capra style. We march. We scream. We react. We educate and inspire our young, someday voters to do the right thing.

We ignite the new revolution.

It's time to put an end to this.


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