The Night of the Capricorn Full Moon July 2016

The Night of the Capricorn Full Moon July 2016
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On July 19, 2016 the Full Moon will rise in the sign of Capricorn.

Known as the practical and earthy mountain goat, Capricorn is an ambitious and hard working sign.

When the Moon rises in this placement, the energy of Capricorn is amplified. We will also feel the deeper, more subconscious elements of Capricorn energy stirring within our soul.

This is because the Moon rules over our subconscious and highlights things from deep within our psyche.

If the Sun illuminates this physical world, the Moon illuminates the unseen, subconscious world.

We all have Capricorn energy within us, whether we realise it or not. In fact, we all have the energy of the 12 zodiac signs within us in some way.

This means that we will all feel the energetic effects of the Full Moon if we allow ourselves to tune into the subtle vibrations that follow.

Many years ago, the ancients would use the Moon cycles for planting and harvesting.

The Full Moon was a particularly special time as it represented the time of harvest. All of the hard work that was put into tending to the crops could finally be enjoyed.

The ancients believed that whatever was harvest during the Full Moon would also grow back thicker, fuller and lusher.

Just like a Full Moon is perfect for harvesting crops, it is also perfect for “harvesting” things in our own lives.

The Full Moon represents a powerful time when we can enjoy the fruits of our labour and perhaps also clear the way for something new.

It is also about letting go and being able to enjoy and give thanks to whatever it is we are releasing.

This release is so we can open the door to something new.

When you let go, you leave space for something else to appear and the Capricorn Full Moon is going to help you do just that.

If you are open and aware to it, the energy of the Full Moon will flood your mind, body and soul and help you to clear all that no longer serves you.

Because this Full Moon happens to fall in Capricorn, the theme is really going to be on releasing thoughts that are holding you back from reaching your fullest potential.

Capricorn energy is ambitious and nothing will stand in the little mountain goat’s way when it comes to making it to the very top of the mountain.

If you allow the energy in, this Full Moon is going to help you release all that is holding you back from reaching the top of your very own mountain.

Perhaps you will be guided to overcome doubts and self-limiting beliefs; perhaps you will be reminded to take rest, or perhaps you will even discover a new pathway.

Whatever stirs for you, know that the goal is helping you to realise the best and most prosperous road ahead.

Stay open to what this July Full Moon energy brings you.

Be open to the signs and messages that you receive and don’t be afraid to clear things so new growth can appear.

Full Moon’s are an important and special time in the month and when you learn how to use the energy, they can prove to be extremely positive and enlightening times.

Want to read more about the Capricorn Full Moon? Check out my Intuitive Astrology report here.

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