The time is Now: New Film Inspires that Women will Be the Change

The time is Now: New Film Inspires that Women will Be the Change
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After a whirlwind tour of Scotland sharing the Dalai Lama's message of peace through our film Road to Peace, the heart of the message really stands firm that peace starts within each of us. But peace is not a passive act; it requires our "determination and willpower," as the Dalai Lama constantly reminds us.

I recently caught up with friend, film producer and ZETA GLOBAL RADIO host Lainie “Sevante” Wulkan, who shared with me a project she's working on that gets to the heart of many of the issues we face in the West today. Self-respect and self-confidence are vital for our personal growth and prosperity, but for a society and country to flourish - we need to treat each other with dignity and respect for all.

As a man writing this, I've become increasingly aware of male ignorance when it comes to our cultural position on the gender divide. As men, many of us are woefully unaware of the oppression and treatment of women historically and currently in our society. As a father to a daughter, I've been learning much about patriarchy and just how demeaning to women that can be.

Recently, the Dalai Lama declared himself as a feminist; mischievously he said, “I call myself a feminist. Isn’t that what you call someone who fights for women’s rights?” (This was) during his International Freedom Award acceptance speech, which was presented to him by the National Civil Rights Museum.

In a statement at a Vancouver peace summit, he also stated that "Western women can come to the rescue of the world."

From my understanding, the Bodhisattva of Compassion refers to the world needing more compassionate leadership and a more respectful, balanced approach to politics, each other and the planet on which we live.

And this is what intrigued me about Sevante’s new film. In her own words, “with the latest series of global events, one would now have to reconsider if His Holiness’ quote was literal or figurative.” She continues, “I remember a few years ago, when I first saw the Dalai Lama’s quote sweeping with a fervor across the social media outlets; it rang out so truthfully for myself. I was proud. I believed his holiness was speaking directly to me and at the same time to the millions of women who must have wondered, ‘who will be this woman that will lead us all into global oneness?’ Maybe it wasn’t me exactly. I didn’t have political ambitions.

I’m not a feminist, nor do I have staunch political views and am steadfast in posting my opinion publicly, so I either sway everyone I knew my direction or I alienated them into oblivion. Most likely, I am representing the masses of Western Women that, not unlike me, are looking for the essentials in life – health and happiness for myself and my family, a successful career that I am passionate about which brings internal satisfaction and contentment, doing the right thing for society and most of all, finding daily peace for myself and others. It’s actually and probably always has been, a simple recipe for balance and harmony. But how is it obtained when it feels like the world has gone mad at every turn?

Yet, like the phoenix, I too am now swept up in the need to rise up for change. I’m choosing my platform with the medium I know best – film. Given the current development of THE STREET CLEANER, this dark, gritty tale tells the story of one of today’s most pervasive, offensive acts to the Western Woman and truthfully, ALL women – Human Trafficking and Enslavement. While this upcoming feature film is fictional, (think BREAKING BAD set in the world of sex trafficking) it sheds grave light on real life events that are rampant in our communities, happening right under our noses. Disempowerment, suppression, feelings of not being in control, complete domination and hopelessness are just some of the emotions facing the women in this film. Not so far off from real life, is it? And for so many… Certainly, not a recipe for the Western Woman to change with the world – or is it?

Now that Pandora’s box has been opened, housewives, 9-5’ers, business executives; they are all incensed. Regardless of who they chose for office in the recent US elections to which side of the fence they sat on; whether abortion issues or equal pay, women – Western Women ARE standing up. Never in history has there been such engagement by both females and males about the state of the world today. Never have we seen a global interest in coming together with the need to do something, anything, in the hope of having global peace. The Western Woman IS rising. Just like THE STREER CLEANER’s Phoenix, symbolizing hope and redemption, so do we, individually and collectively. We’re only just beginning to see our full potential when we work collaboratively in the process of peace.

Whether you know it or not, your opinion matters. Because no matter how you look at it, “peace worldwide starts from inside” (borrowed with love and respect by conscious LA hip hop group, The Luminaries). Find that which makes the sun rise and sets and ignites that passion within. The collective world is waiting for us all to awaken humanity for change. The phoenix has long been a symbol to represent the firebird rising from the ashes and we need to rise from it, too – from the last year of US election campaigning to abolishing the countless atrocities in the world; the end of enslavement, segregation, discrimination; the list goes on.

Choose your outlet. Take a stand. The world is counting on you! We can all be the voice of the once voiceless and ignite the collective passion for change.

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For more on The Street Cleaner Movie, please visit Support films that make a difference in the world by contributing to The Street Cleaner’s GO FUND ME Campaign.

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