These Preemie Twins Are The Definition Of Squee-Worthy

Can't. Handle. The. Cute.

In August 2015, Amber Yong and Peter Lok created an Instagram account for their infant twin daughters, Leia and Lauren, to share photos with family and friends who were constantly requesting updates. The Singapore-based parents did not expect that in mere months, their babies would become social media sensations.

Brown bears spotted in the kitchen! Bear hugs, anyone? #bearsighting #oraretheyewoks

A photo posted by Momo Twins ~ Leia & Lauren (@leialauren) on

To date, the account @leialauren has over 161,000 followers, who can't get enough of the twins' matching outfits and adorable baby cheeks. "Our babies never fail to bring a smile to our faces, and I am sure they'll pass along the positive vibes and brighten up someone's day!" Yong told The Huffington Post.

The parents' first few weeks with Leia and Lauren weren't totally blissful, however, as the twins were born two months premature and had to spend time in the NICU before going home.

"We made a video of their first 100 days journey to give faith to preemie parents, that the dark days do pass quickly, and happy (noisy) days will prevail!" Yong said, adding that they hope their Instagram photos of the girls' growth will also inspire parents of preemies.

Leia and Lauren are also special because they are "Momo" twins aka Monoamniotic-Monochorionic twins, which means they are identical twins who shared a placenta and amniotic sac in utero. This phenomenon is generally believed to only affect one percent of twin pregnancies, the parents explained.

Now 8 months old, Leia and Lauren are a "daily dose of sunshine and positivity" that their parents want to continue sharing with others. "We are humbled with the way others have shown love and support for Leia and Lauren," Yong told HuffPost.

"My babies have taught me important life lessons -- to always find the fun, even in the simplest of things, just like they do!" she added. "At times, I do wonder how they could get so happy with just a teething toy. They are my constant reminder to always make my own joy and see positivity in things."

Keep scrolling for more adorable photos of Leia and Lauren.

Happy weekend! These flamingo dolls from @vanessa_byrne are so cute they look almost edible 😆

A photo posted by Momo Twins ~ Leia & Lauren (@leialauren) on

How mermaids really look like after a hearty meal 😂 #nowaistline Crotchet mermaid costumes from @quinnbebe

A photo posted by Momo Twins ~ Leia & Lauren (@leialauren) on

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