Trump Staff Admits to Planting Fake News to Counter Twitter Meltdowns

Trump Staff Admits to Planting Fake News to Counter Twitter Meltdowns
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Since the start of his campaign, it has been obvious that President Trump cannot take criticism. When he wasn’t speaking to his large crowds of screaming supporters, he would spend substantial time on Twitter airing his grievances towards media outlets that covered him honestly.

It turns out that Twitter was not only taken away from Trump several times, but six former campaign staffers have now revealed that they had an ongoing strategy for keeping the now-president at bay before the election.

We knew about the campaign staff taking access to Twitter away from Trump, but recent public comments made by these former staffers have revealed so much more information into the president’s psyche.

This is where it gets really interesting: when staffers couldn’t find news stories praising Trump, they would contact certain media outlets that would favor him and have them produce good coverage.

"If candidate Trump was upset about unfair coverage, it was productive to show him that he was getting fair coverage from outlets that were persuadable," said former communications director Sam Nunberg.

It was also revealed that Trump never read anything online, so staffers would only bring him printed stories that were positive towards him. Funny how that term “fake news” can be applied to the person that uses it the most.

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