Trump's Broken Home Is A House Divided

Other than appeasing Vladimir Putin, what are the goals of our president?
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A bulldozer may be a functional piece of machinery in the business of real estate development, but in national and world politics it is ineffective, unnecessary and ultimately destructive. Successful governing requires nuance and subtlety and it is more often necessary to walk on eggshells rather than employ a steamroller. President Trump is a runaway train bludgeoning his way around the globe with no clear mandate other than to create chaos and rancor, primarily in his own country.

I am a Democrat and although many of my beliefs differ with Republicans, we do share a country, which I like to believe that we all love dearly. Abraham Lincoln said, “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” It is difficult for the citizens of America to stand together when our president’s primary objective is one of divisiveness. I expect our Commander-in-Chief to defend us from all enemies, foreign and domestic. However, Donald Trump has decided that our enemies are Mexican day laborers rather than a ruthless Russian autocrat, who seems hellbent on taking over eastern Europe. According to Daniel Fried, (who until recently was America’s longest serving diplomat) Vladimir Putin’s goal is to “undermine the west” and “diminish America.” Putin must be pleased, because under Trump’s stewardship, with each passing day and moment America is losing its credibility.

“President Trump is a runaway train bludgeoning his way around the globe with no clear mandate other than to create chaos and rancor, primarily in his own country.”

The mounting evidence of Trump’s ties to Russia keeps growing and it’s not surprising. I have never heard anyone other than Donald Trump speak well of Vladimir Putin, whose history of inhumane behavior has led many to consider him a war criminal. Putin served in the KGB, which was instrumental in oppressing dissident social and religious groups and its successor, the FSB, has been linked to everything from bombings to the deaths of journalists as well as murdering numerous opposition leaders from parts of the former Soviet Union. Steve Bannon, Trump’s key advisor, is a self-described Leninist, who was a dictator with a goal of destroying the state. Despite Trump’s fiduciary responsibility to the United States and its citizens, he criticizes both vehemently yet has never spoken negatively about Russia or Vladimir Putin, who he considers a good leader. Former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn has just admitted he worked as a paid “foreign agent” for the Turkish government.

Other than appeasing Vladimir Putin, what are the goals of our president? I rank “Make America Great Again!” alongside other totally ineffectual slogans like “Whip Inflation Now!” and “A Year of Action.” Politics requires finesse, experience and the ability to play well with others, something Trump and his team are sorely lacking, as clearly displayed by their mishandling of repealing and replacing Obamacare.

America may not be perfect but it’s a great country nonetheless, and like anything else it can be made better. Unfortunately, when our commander in chief belittles freedom of the press and condemns our legal system, he undermines our inherent greatness and lessens America’s place in the world.

Americans should be worried about a president whose thumbs can’t stop tweeting but we must also be troubled that the same man can just as easily place his fingers on buttons that can launch weapons of mass destruction. I am concerned about the strength and resilience of our country’s security apparatus when the president has proclaimed he “loves” WikiLeaks and it seems to be his preferred ally over the CIA.

John McCain and Lindsey Graham have been extremely vocal with their criticisms of Trump and Americans should call upon Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and other influential republicans to step up to the plate and challenge him as well. We deserve better.

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