Weight Loss Tip: STOP Waiting For the Perfect Moment!

Weight Loss Tip: STOP Waiting For the Perfect Moment!
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While the title of this article may give away the question I’m about to pose to you, here goes: What if I told you that there’s a way to get started on your health and weight loss journey, TODAY?! What if I told you that it’s extremely SIMPLE, and just takes a little bit of willpower and determination?

It’s a warm, sunny day here on Long Island, and it’s been an enjoyable one for me. I played a softball doubleheader this morning (we won!), and will be doing some cleaning around the apartment after I finish watching the Mets game. No comments about their play, please — It’s one of my very few guilty pleasures!

Now then, back to getting started…

Look, when a new opportunity presents itself, we often tend to push it off. Us humans are NOT fans of change! We like to stay enthralled in our daily routines, so when a new task or a new project presents itself, we tend to put it off until the “PERFECT” time arises.

You know, when you’re done with that project at work, or when your kids’ school gets out for summer and they go away for sleep-away camp, or when grandma gets out of the hospital…

Here’s a piece of advice I learned and re-learned MANY times on my personal 100 lb weight loss journey: There’s NEVER a perfect time! You may think that the stars will align for that time to come, but I can assure you — It won’t!

Why won’t it come? Because you’re just going to come up with another excuse, because if you’ve been putting this off, that’s what you’ve been doing in the first place!!!

At the end of the day, trying to legitimize your putting off your weight loss journey is just that: Excuse making! I get it: You have shit going on. Everybody’s situations are different. But, speaking from personal experience on both my 100 lb weight loss journey AND during my time working with others on theirs’, I’ve heard every excuse in the book…

Some of them would BLOW YOUR MIND at how ridiculous they were! I honestly would leave the conversation scratching my head, wondering how this person had the creativity to come up with something so ridiculous!!

So, if you’ve been thinking about starting (or restarting) for a while, but you’re waiting for the stars to align, please do me this one favor: DON’T WAIT!!! You’re wasting precious time either loathing in self pity and/or being a victim, when the simplest thing to do is to START!

Like Permanent Weight Loss, it’s SIMPLE, but NOT EASY!!

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Just start! Don’t put this off until tomorrow… Do it today! It can be as simple as going for a walk around the block. It can be as minuscule as going to the grocery store, and buying healthy meat, produce and snacks to help fuel you on your journey.

Talk tomorrow!


Pete Weintraub


P.S. As a token of my appreciation for you and your willingness to get started on your journey, I’d like to offer you my FREE, healthy gluten-free bread recipe!

If you’re addicted to grains in the form of bread, pasta and rice, and you’re a sandwich savant, then this recipe will help you prepare a delicious loaf in just 40 minutes :-)

To get your FREE copy, please go to https://www.weightlossbypete.com/glutenfreebreadrecipe.

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