What is Feeldbeat? How Dayo Has Given A Common Passion A Grand, Idea!

What is Feeldthebeat? How Dayo Has Given A Common Passion A Grand, Idea!
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Dayo Founder of Feeldbeat and Global Media Personality Melissa Mushaka

Dayo Founder of Feeldbeat and Global Media Personality Melissa Mushaka

We all have the ability to turn our passion into a working reality. Dayo founder of Feeldbeat has put a unique spin on transforming his daily passion (music) and his love for building with people through his feeldbeat movement which begin on a New York City subway. Helping a person will not necessarily change the world, but it will change the world for that person! Take a look at our beautiful chat.

Mm: Feeldbeat take me through how you started on instagram photographing people while they are listening to music on the train and..... its become a thing?

D: This all started in 2015. I was on my way to school on the G Train. It was rush hour, a lot of people trying to get on the train.I remember seeing this lady she had head phones on and was listening to music people were trying to get on the train, there was a guy who was trying to find his way through and he kept saying excuse me excuse me but she was lost in her world of listening to music. He had to tap her and then she was like Oh my God, I’m sorry and she moved. Then and there I thought to myself a lot of people listen to stuff in New York. I looked at the train and about 70% of everyone on there had headphones in listening to something. Then I thought it would be nice to know what people are listening to and why they listen to what they listen to. So, I went on the street starting off. The first day, I just approached random people and just asked them who are you listening to right now and how does what you are listening to inspire you--- can you share a story? Some people thought it was crazy but most people actually liked the idea. It’s funny, after I finish the interview people are like keep doing this, its a very good idea. It propels me to want to do it even more.

Mm: So why solely instagram, is it because you can connect the picture with the person?

D: Yes!

Mm: How do you feel that domino effect has impacted your growth? You have a healthy following.

D: I love pictures and I love music to start with. I felt that if I am going to put people stories out there it would be nice for people to actually be able to relate to them because I try to make it like everyday people. I am not looking for people that are already known. If I have someone who is known great, but I am looking for irregular New Yorkers who are just all about their space their music their lives. I said, ok if I am going to put their story then there should be a face. Initially I was not even tagging them because I didn't want to make it like I was following them. I just wanted it to be their stories. But, over time I felt it would be nice because you never know who is going to read it. I’ve met different types of people from actors to musicians so I put whatever they are doing along with their handles and people reach out to them. I met a girl who is a poet, and someone reached out to her just from feeldthebeat to come do a show. Her story was very inspiring because she looks up to J Cole and she says she loves poetry.

Mm: She’s a lyricist?

D: Yes, thats exactly what she said. Someone read her story reached out to me and she ended up doing a show. She wrote back to me, thank you so much for interviewing me I got this opportunity--- and I cried when she sent that to me. I’m very emotional. I felt ok, this must be something right. These are the things and these are the reasons why I chose to do this.

Mm: As you're growing Feeldbeat what is your overall desire for this because you stopped and now you started again because you see that there is a grander purpose?

D: I want to grow this to when you think much you think Feeldbeat. When you go for events you have a feeldbeat section. My plan actually right now is to go for the Grammy’s net year. I want to have feeldbeat at the Grammys---know what people are listening to. It would nice to be there and speak with celebrities and here what they are listening to as well or songs that inspire them. The Global Citizens Festival recently happened and I was thinking to myself it would be so nice to be there speak to different people have a collaboration with the brand. I want to collaborate with music brands and anything that has to do with music because everyone listens to music. Thats the dream to take it global as well. I’m thinking of having feeldbeat Paris where people can send in their pictures and talk about their music. I’m based here in New York, I can't be all over the place at the same time. I want to give people the opportunity to send their pictures, tell a story and really put it out there. So its like feeldbeat Paris, feeldbeat Istanbul, feeldbeat Australia because I can get a lot of likes and hits based on the hashtags I put on.

Mm: Where did the idea for the name come from?

D: It just popped into my head. I’m that kind of guy who just thinks of something and goes with it. Initially it was suppose to be feeldbeat. Then I thought not my name is Dayo, I’m connecting people and I think music bring everyone together but I want to be that core that center bringing people together and telling their music stories on my platforms.

Mm: How can we continue to support you on the ground?

D: Just putting the word out there. I want people to just share their stories. Im not after fame, I realized people are inspired by things they read. I remember meeting a woman her name is Colleen she is 47. I met her at Jay Street Metro Tech in Brooklyn and she is an aspiring actress and she broke down in tears in the middle of street. I remember people passing through and looking like whats going on here. I’m very emotional and I tried to put myself together thinking to myself Dayo you can't cry while she is crying both of you will become a mess on the street. So I had to encourage her and I said look, this is why I do this because you never know who is going to read this. So, I got her contact and put her story out there and thats why I do it. I want to connect people through music!

Mm: That’s what we will do then, continue spreading the word. Thank you!

D: Thank you so much!

Not only is his passion to spread stories but to use his own musical talents further as well.

Not only is his passion to spread stories but to use his own musical talent. Check out Dayo’s latest single out NOW!




For More Exclusive Interviews with Melissa Mushaka connect with her here for All Things Media

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