What To Do When Your Sales Success Plateaus

What To Do When Your Sales Success Plateaus
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Building a sales network can be a tug-of-war match between expectation and reality. When you’re first starting out, excitement is at an all-time high as you envision the success you’ll have, the lifestyle you’ll achieve, and the recognition you’ll get along the way, but what happens when your results don’t reflect your original vision?

Whether you’re one quarter or one decade deep in your sales career, it’s devastating to feel your own business lose momentum. However, just because you’ve lost your rhythm and have found yourself in a bit of a “commission drought” doesn’t mean it’s time to call it quits; it’s time to switch it up. In my 25+ years of experience, here’s my advice on what to do when your success plummets.

Go Back to Basics

I’m sure you’ve heard Robert Collier’s famous quote, “Success is the sum of small efforts - repeated day in and day out.” So what do you do when your efforts aren’t adding up properly? You take a step back and focus on becoming more self-aware.

Start by evaluating your business-building behaviors. You’ve obviously hit a roadblock on the path to prosperity; take it as a sign that what you’re currently doing isn’t working. Ask yourself questions like these, and remember to be honest with yourself.

“Am I devoting the same amount of time and energy to my business as I did in the beginning, or have I since taken a more lax approach?”

“Have I set clear expectations for my sales team?”

“When was the last time I added to my prospects list?”

“Do I stay true to my sales scripts and closing steps, or do I overcomplicate things by trying to reinvent the wheel?”

Once you arrive at your answer, you have two choices: to continue moving in the same direction (how’s that been working out for you?) or to make things right by implementing CHANGE.

Reach Out to a Mentor

Never be afraid to ask for help, especially when your income depends on it. To power through your sales rut, just look UP. Reach out to a top earner or leading distributor who has achieved the results you desire, and follow their example and teachings.

Invite them to lunch, attend their next seminar, or binge-watch their online video series so you can better identify and emulate his or her efforts. Then use their expertise and actions as a blueprint after which you can model your own.

Remind Yourself Why You Started

It doesn’t matter what you’re selling or what industry you’re in—everyone has a driving factor that motivates him or her to get results. For some, it’s providing for their family; for others, it’s the desire to enjoy the finer things in life.

Is your business decelerating because you have lost sight of your “Why”? It’s possible.

I always tell our Associates around the world, “Everything great that has ever happened has been powered by ‘the dream.’” If your dream or your “Why” aren’t big enough and if they don’t hold an up-front-and-center position in your mind, you won’t push yourself to reach out to prospects, discover new leads, and fill your calendar with client consultations that may lead to more sales.

Never forget that you have an important agenda that cannot be ignored, and most importantly, NEVER settle for less. It’s never too late to start over and rebuild the foundation of your sales network. Approach your strategy from a different angle, observe and learn from the best, and take action immediately so you can breathe new life into your business.

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