When Is School Choice Not Really a Choice?

When Is School Choice Not Really a Choice?
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While it is understandable why like myself as a parent of a child with disabilities within a public education and governmental system would feel overwhelmed by all of the details, the truth is I felt that way about political systems before I even had children. I’m particularly nervous when it comes to leaving out a detail (Ever. In any situation.Try me.). The Whole Is A Sum Of Its Parts is how I see the world. If I miss a piece, I promise I won’t understand the big picture. Often the bigger problem is knowing whether I have missed a piece, so I comb and comb for those pieces until I end in a pile of crumbs. And then? Well…..once I sweep up…watch out.

Our collective current public educational system is fraught with problems. This does not mean our educators are at the top of the problem list. I would challenge anyone who believes this is the case to go spend one year as an educator. The financial, legal, logistical and social constraints that exist would send a person without the passion to make a difference in the the lives of kids running to do almost anything else. The issues that exist in public education are systemic but not static so I have believed it possible to slowly turn the ship around. Fully funding IDEA would be a great start…but that is the thing about getting overwhelmed by details. Out of survival, you hone in on what will have the most impact on your own world to create your own big picture.

It would be easy to turn this into a 5000 word article and focus on all the talking points about why public education is failing everyone and also on all the fundamentally terrific things public education is doing right. But focusing on those things is the parlor trick we all seem to be falling for these days. The guy with the horns and the trident is awfully entertaining with his sleight of hand while we’re busy, a well heeled woman sitting before the Senate is making plans to create a systemic and fundamentally flawed plan to oppress and contain the most vulnerable children.

Yesterday at the Senate hearing for confirmation of Secretary of Education, DeVos struggled in the brief periods of questioning to give details about how she will ensure/protect/educate. I am not so certain that having someone who understands every detail of public education is actually necessary.

However, I do not believe that Betsy DeVos was one bit “confused” about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act being federal law and not something that the states decide. I do not believe that she doesn’t understand the difference between proficiency and progress. I do not believe that she was having trouble answering questions but rather she answered those questions loud and clear.

  • Should all schools, public, private and charter have EQUAL accountability standards when accepting taxpayer funding?
  • Do you think that all schools receiving federal dollars should have to adhere to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act?
  • Should schools receiving government funding have to have the same reporting systems for bullying and harassment?
  • Will you enforce the law for disabled children should the charters go into place and they might be accepted at the charter?
  • Will you defund or privatize public school?

Mrs. DeVos let the Senate know how happy she would be to make these discussion points in the future.

I don’t think Betsy DeVos was confused. I think she doesn’t care, because in her world the devil is in THOSE details and it appears sometimes the devil comes in the form of anyone different or disadvantaged.

Her plan creates selective schools that may not adhere to the federal civil rights protection for disabled students or even for just their protection at all. Disabled students and economically disadvantaged students, students with behavioral issues are going to be segregated due to selective admissions processes, differences in educational accountability and financial discrepancies between those who can afford the gap in tuition. There will be no such thing as inclusion in schools and it will vanish with the details.

For me, this isn’t a matter of lack of understanding. I live in a state where there is a scholarship program available for students identified with a disability which we used for A2. He qualified for a $20,000 voucher through the board of education to use with a scholarship provider. Our district was still responsible for writing his IEP. We found an excellent match for him at a local private, not-for-profit Autism school and in just three months I was pleased to show our district the tight data tracking his improvements.

Short of realizing he wasn’t getting everything he needed in public school, we had a positive experience because the stars were aligned. A kid happened to move away opening a spot in the classroom. Our district did not transport him so I drove him the 20 mile round trip jaunts twice a day. Things were very tight because we paid $8000 a year out of pocket toward the tuition.

The biggest trade off? By accepting the scholarship, we relinquished our rights to FAPE (Free and Appropriate Public Education). Our“school choices” were

  1. Stay put and spend thousands on attorneys to prove he was not getting an appropriate education. In the meantime, if we filed due process based on the law, he would have had to “stay put” until a resolution. Which could be years.
  1. Find another school that would accept him, provide our own transportation, find $24K for three years of out of pocket expenses AND hope he gets what he needs because the private school technically does not have to follow the IEP. Nor are there any reprocussions for not meeting his needs.

Choice? They both sucked. We only had a brief time to harness the little spongy brain of his. We were very, very lucky it worked out the way it did. But we were also very, very lucky because we are upper middle class white, intact suburban family with one paycheck that covered everything and a kiddo who did not present with behaviors too difficult to handle. We were very, very lucky because the school was pretty great at what they did with a caring team to boot. I am not against the idea of a voucher system and school choice, but in order for it truly to be choice, the playing field must be appropriately leveled. Otherwise, it is only really a choice for some.

Betsy DeVos wants to turn this ship around, but there is a huge iceberg in the way and only enough lifeboats for the privileged and the able-bodied leaving everyone else, including my beautiful boy to go down with the ship. Our educational system needs fixing, no doubt…but first do no harm.

Feel this is wrong too? Call your senator TODAY and ask for opposition of this confirmation. If you have time, call ALL these Senators and let them know this is not ok.

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