Where's Waldo? Probably in Therapy

Patient has possible abandonment issues due to lack of parental supervision after birth and has taken to "feeding his feelings" instead of working through them.
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Patient Name: Harold, but goes by "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"

Session notes: Patient has possible abandonment issues due to lack of parental supervision after birth and has taken to "feeding his feelings" instead of working through them.

Requested he keep a food journal and how he felt at the time: 1 apple, 2 pears, 3 plums, 4 strawberries, 5 oranges, piece of chocolate cake, ice cream cone, pickle, slice of Swiss cheese, slice of salami, lollipop, piece of cherry pie, 1 sausage, cupcake, slice of watermelon, 1 green leaf. Said, "I felt hungry. I ate food. I felt better."

Also made mention of wanting to curl up and hide for a couple of weeks, wishing he could emerge and be accepted for who he was--a colorful, sometimes flightly man with a love for Cher and the theater. Kept asking if I had any snacks.

Patient Name: Goldilocks

Session notes: Court-ordered session as part of breaking and entering charge. When asked about most recent incident, patient's only comments were "Why do they have separate beds if all they really need is a Sleep Number?" and "Who the heck still eats porridge?"

Obvious entitlement and boundary issues laced with a bit of OCD--she tried out three different chairs in my office before settling into one.

Patient Name: Belle

Session notes: Possible delusional tendencies and troubling urges towards bestiality. Describes some of her best friends as household appliances that spend a majority of their time singing and dancing and refers to her boyfriend as a "beast."

Came to therapy because of said relationship issues. Apparently conflict because money is tight and none of the dishes or household products actually work, as "a talking candlestick and chipped, chatty tea cup don't do much more than provide an audience for our arguments about his hair in the sink and the fact that my dad won't move out."

Patient Name: Waldo

Session notes: Patient suffers from social anxiety disorder. Makes public appearances, but only discreetly surfaces in large crowds of people and insists on wearing the same clothes each day--thick, black-framed glasses, red and white striped shirt, red and white cap. Mysterious about his career and personal life and is paranoid that people are constantly looking for him.

Claims he wants to work through his urges to isolate so that he can pursue his dream of being a photographer for the local paper because he "feels more comfortable behind the camera." Wants to attend Comic Con next year.

Patient Name: Snow White

Session notes: So many things with this one. If I am to believe her, a troubled family situation with an evil stepmom, a "witch" in her words, apparently drove her to break into the house of male midgets where she ate their food and fell asleep before waking up to accept a position as their unpaid friend with benefits. Follow this up with a necrophilia-driven boyfriend during a near-death experience and a shotgun wedding, and no wonder this chick needs some help.

Need to work on her co-dependency issues and need for approval from men.

*Note to self: Pitch her storyline for possible reality show. Crime, dwarfs, sex--throw in some cupcakes or a bacon element and it really can't miss. Maybe "Dwarf Dynasty" or "Bachelorette" meets "Little People" Just working titles, of course.

**Another note to self: Reschedule "Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe" until she can find a babysitter. Remember to discuss contraception. This is getting ridiculous.

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