Why I Chose to Become My Own #Girlboss

Why I Chose to Become My Own #Girlboss
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Welcome to Jill Talks on Tuesday Mornings! Here’s how I’ll run my new series: Each week, I’ll choose a topic and discuss it. It can be anywhere from real estate things to home decorating, to navigating the waters of a blended family and marriage, to product reviews and great recipe finds and everything in between... just a deeper look into topics that I know and care about! I hope you’ll get to know me better and maybe even learn something new.. and vice versa :) If you have any great ideas, I would love to hear them! Leave them in the comments below! Today’s Topic: Why I decided to Become a Business Owner and #Girlboss Today I thought I would kick off my Tuesday morning series by talking about owning a business. Before I get started, I would be remiss if I did not mention that I learn something new about business every.single.day. Business and real estate is constantly evolving and changing and I do my best to keep up with the current, but I am by no means stating that I have this all “figured out.” Yeah, umm... no. Not even close. However, I have a few years of experience of balancing my home life with owning my small business and thought I would share a few reasons why I love what I do :)

Being a business owner is not easy.

Business does not happen overnight nor did it show up on my front door. (Actually, in real estate, its quite the opposite, ha!). Wearing different hats at the same time can be difficult and exhausting and complicated- but like the popular cliche goes, nothing worth having comes easy, right!?

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing- that’s why we recommend it daily.” - Zig Ziglar

I once sat through a seminar that I’ll never forget. The seminar covered the importance of knowing your “WHY,” as in “why do you get up each day and do the things you do.” Knowing your “WHY” is how you’ll find your “HOW,” and those words resonated with me. These girls.. a BIG part of my “WHY.” The best little assistants and future #girlbosses around :) Here is why I chose to become a business owner: 1. I set my priorities. I am a Wife, Mom and Realtor, in that order. Being a business owner has given me the freedom to set my priorities. Since we are a blended family and I share parenting time with the girls, I cannot afford to lose a second of precious time with them. Simply put, I plan, I set goals, I tailor my days around being a mom and business owner and I wouldn’t have it any other way. 2. I challenge myself and force myself to face fear on the daily. If there is one thing that I have learned from owning my business, (aside from my morning business planning and weekly meetings and other things that happen routinely)no two days are alike. Every day presents a new set of challenges and fears and finding solutions to these are just among the many reasons why I love being a Realtor. 3. The sky is the limit when you are in business for yourself. My success is entirely up to me. While that is a terrifying concept, its also completely exhilarating. 4. I work anywhere, anytime. Working from home is one of my very favorite aspects of owning a business. Many times, I multitask and will get a load of laundry done, tidy things up, hang with the girls, work on little house projects (and my blog) and whatever else I choose to do.. in yoga pants ;) As long as there’s wifi, I can conduct business anywhere. 5. I find fulfillment in owning my business. I take pride in what I do for myself, my family and my community. Helping others and providing a service to my clients is one of those feelings that just can’t be explained. Owning my business is a great source of pride and a privilege that I do not take for granted. There are so many more reasons I chose this unconventional career, but these are among my top five. I would be happy to talk more about choosing to be a business owner!

Shoot me an email anytime at jmcmeans@semonin.com For more information on a career with Semonin, click here.

And because I love these little sentiments.. here’s a commercial that my office filmed for our local news station:

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