Why Jessica Schab gave up being a Spiritual Speaker and 'Crystal Child'

Why Jessica Schab gave up being a Spiritual Speaker and Crystal Child
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No longer a "Crystal Child"
No longer a "Crystal Child"
Jessica Schab

Spiritual speakers like Deepak Chopra and Eckhart Tolle attract a very large following of people who are drawn to the motivational advice and spiritual beliefs these New-Age gurus offer. Jessica Schab, who was born in Vancouver, Canada, became another such spiritual adviser too, after she had been interviewed by Project Camelot and called a “Crystal Child.” Almost overnight she became an authority on “mystical matters” and “esoteric truths” for all the people who began to contact her and to accept whatever she had to say. Now also known as “Jessica Mystic,” she started getting invitations to be a guest speaker at conferences and events around the world. Donations to cover travelling expenses to many different countries came along with the invitations, and as she began to make public appearances at well-attended events her popularity as a rising star of the “New-Age movement” was sealed.

Schab began promoting other “New-Age writers,” as well as conspiracy theorists and so-called “whistle-blowers.” At one point she interviewed Andrew Basiago, a man who claims to have been “teleported to Mars” and to have been involved in “time travel experimentation.” She was involved in a world in which claims about contact with alien beings, as well as with “spirit guides from other dimensional frequencies” were taken very seriously, a world in which “psychic powers” and “paranormal abilities” were the norm. At the time, she really thought she was helping people in some sort of global awakening that was going on and that it was her mission in life to be promoting this sort of material. But then, after some 10 years, this was all to change. Schab began to have serious doubts about the actuality of the claims being made and about the multitude of bizarre beliefs that were being marketed under the blanket of the “New-Age” and “the Truth.” Some of the belief systems, such as “breatharianism,” for example, in which people believe they can live on sunshine and fresh air, are downright dangerous. The so-called “ascension” of 21.12.2012 failed to happen and the world did not end either, even though many were predicting this due to the ancient Mayan calendar. Schab began to wonder why so many people were attracted to these strange beliefs and why so many were willing to accept the most far-fetched stories. She began to think that she wasn’t helping but was just adding to the confusion in the world today, as well as causing psychological harm to searching but gullible minds.

Jessica Schab and Monkey Friend in Bali
Jessica Schab and Monkey Friend in Bali
Jessica Schab

The EOF Project

With these doubts in mind, and searching for answers herself, Schab’s journey took her to Bali, Indonesia, where she met the artist and writer Diego Fontanive who had a background in Political Science, Psychology and Sociology. A critical thinker with very different ideas, he realized that human beings have never learned from the mistakes of societies of the past, and that thousands of years of human endeavor had only brought us to the terrible mess the world is in today. Our identities, conditionings, beliefs, memories and mental pictures keep us from perceiving reality and keep us from really thinking clearly. Fontanive and Schab founded the EOF Project, which, through a series of personal coaching sessions and an online course with the Cambridge Institute called “All in the Mind,” helps people to raise their meta-cognitive thinking skills to a better understanding of what prevents us from thinking properly.

Schab has totally renounced her past and nowadays is speaking out against people she once promoted. With Fontanive, who is now her partner, she is pointing out the delusions being preached by religions, cults and the New-Age movement. The couple is also currently working on two documentaries with L’Esprit et la Matiere Production: “All Is Not Well, An Investigation Into Our Gamble With The Psyche,” and a documentary on Jessica’s personal story on her change, which is based off of her Bali Blog series, titled “Memoirs of a Former Mystic.”

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