You Should Probably Stop Saying These Things To Dominicans

“Hold up, you speak Spanish? ... Wait, you’re not black?"

There’s a lot more to being Dominican than eating mangú and plátano.

But if those are the first things to pop into your head when talking to someone with roots in the Dominican Republic, then you need to watch Pero Like’s latest “Things Dominicans Are Tired Of Hearing.”

The new video gives several examples of comments or questions that are not only stereotypes but are incredibly annoying to hear as a Dominican, including but not limited to “Are you Puerto Rican?,” “So, I heard you guys don’t wear socks” and even “Hold up, you speak Spanish?.. Wait, you’re not Black?” (For the record you can be both Dominican and Black, just ask “Orange is the New Black” star Dascha Polanco.)

So the next time you want to randomly talk to a Dominican about mangú, mang-don’t.

Before You Go

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