He's King Midas in Reverse...

He's King Midas in Reverse...
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One thing few people have noticed about George W. Bush is not only does he destroy countries and centuries-old constitutional guarantees, but he also destroys almost everyone who tries to trust him. Look at Tony Blair. Bush promised him to seriously address Israel/Palestine in return for his incredibly costly support for Bush's stupid war. Bush not only did zip, he deliberately thwarted other people's efforts to try to help. Bush was at a summit in Scotland when the London subway was bombed, but he couldn't even be bothered to stop by London as a solidarity call on the way home. Now look at John McCain. The Bush campaign spread rumors that he had a bunch of "colored" love children and had gone nutso in captivity in the South Carolina primary in order to undermine his presidential candidacy. Not only does McCain spend the next seven years -- literally hugging and kissing the guy -- he purposely trashes his own lifelong accomplishments, going so far as to sign onto a torture regime he knows to be illegal, immoral, and ultimately purposeless. What does he get for it? His own political emasculation. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy ...

Read the whole Altercation here.

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