Think Again: This "Tea" Swallows Republicans

Think Again: This "Tea" Swallows Republicans
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"The 2010 electorate has swallowed an emetic--disgorging in a series of retching convulsions officeholders in both parties who seem to embody conventional Washington politics." So sayeth Politico's John F. Harris and Jim VandeHei, the sages of up-to-the-second insider conventional wisdom, about the recent results of this year's midterm election primaries.

And while the beltway is atwitter with earthquake metaphors--which, personally, I much prefer to Allen and VendeHei's projectile vomit-based explanations--the authors admit that, "The anti-establishment, anti-incumbent fevers on display Tuesday are not new." In fact, however, almost all the rebellion is on one side. Now it may be that Democrats are planning a rebellion against their political establishment, but it's a hard argument to make when Exhibit A is a lifelong Republican.

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