Getting Sweaty with Jets Offensive Tackle D'Brickashaw Ferguson

Getting Sweaty with Jets Offensive Tackle D'Brickashaw Ferguson
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Anyone remember my blog about working out at the treadmill and my Lululemon pants fell down? And yes, I was sans underwear (like Venus Williams, perhaps?!)

Let's just hope this does NOT happen on Monday morning, February 1 at 7:30am.

I'm headed down to South Beach next week for a really cool -- and potentially humiliating -- experience. You've probably heard of (or at least seen the commercials) of athletes testing at the Gatorade science labs? Well, they're bringing in a "mobile" Lab to the Super Bowl Media Center in Miami to showcase Gatorade scientists conducting performance tests on athletes, including Eli Manning, Tony Gonzalez, Maurice Jones-Drew! I just found out that I will be working out and getting sweat-tested with D'Brickashaw Ferguson of the Jets. Gulp.

(This is why I love Gatorade. They are always doing such cool things, like the time my sister and I interviewed the Manning Brothers at the Replay event.)

Anywho, the tests will show exactly how my body functions during the workout and how it burns energy via fat and calories. During the testing, we'll be using the new G Series -- a group of products for before, during and after workouts. (ENVY ALERT FOR ALL OF YOU GATORADE LOVERS: It's my exclusive chance to try the G Series, which won't be released until spring. Insert Simpson's "ha ha" laugh here.)

But the most exciting news of all is that you can click here to watch my test and ask questions on So please tune in Monday morning beginning at 7:30AM ET for some serious sweating and possible embarrassment, from someone's who's roughest workout over the past year was 30 minutes on the elliptical while watching the Food Network on TV. Luckily, I'm not the only one going through this endurance test: other athletes are being paired with journalists. The entire schedule will be posted on the GStream channel. (Maurice Jones Drew is right before me and D'Brickashaw! So tune in!)

See you on Monday -- but right now, I have to go get some new workout gear in order to avoid my own version of a wardrobe malfunction!

UPDATE: Click here to see the sweaty results!

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