Fear of Brains

Let's face the truth: Americans like dopey presidents and fear brainy ones.
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If you want to know why Al Gore would be crazy to run for president, look at the New York Post's reaction to his Nobel Prize. The Post dredges up the thoroughly discredited notion that a British High Court judge found nine errors of fact in Gore's "eco film," An Inconvenient Truth. These smear tactics follow Gore wherever he goes. May I suggest that his intelligence scares us and that we prefer dumb frat boy draft dodgers for our presidents? We are not up to a president as clever as Al Gore. He challenges our self-destructiveness. We would rather wallow in gutter with George W. Bush whose stubborn stupidity comforts us.

Let's face the truth: Americans like dopey presidents and fear brainy ones. Like high school jocks, we would rather torment the brainy than let them enlighten us. Gore is much too intelligent to be our president. Perhaps he understands that he has more power behind the scenes in the communications industry than he could ever have as a candidate with a target on his back. While we drown with the polar bears, Gore and family will be blasting off into out space.

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